Future Fondation

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Kokichis pov

This is it. After weeks of being stuck in the killing game I can finally see my family again. Dad, big bro taka and takemichi. I finally see them all again!

Once the helicopter landed I ran out to see the three of them waiting for me. The three of them immediately pulled me into a hug.

"kid your alive!"

"thank goodness your safe!"

"oh my boy I'm so glad your here!"

I laughed and hugged them back. It felt so good to be with my family again. I turned around to see the others standing around awkwardly.

"guys I'd like you to meet my friends kaito, himiko, gonta, maki and miu" I said pointing to each one of them "guys this is my family"

"nice to meet you" himiko waved nervously.

"it's so nice to see kokichi made friends his own age" taka smiled "I'm so sorry for what you kids have gone through. I went through a killing game when I was your age too and its hard watching the people you love die" the other nodded in response "but you don't have worry anymore. Future Fondation is going to take care of you all"

"thank you sir" himiko said tearfully. I ran over and hugged her. Takemichi wiggled his eyebrows at me but he's just being dumb. I don't love himiko she's just my friend.


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