Message To Future Fondation

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Kokichis pov

We ran outside together narrowly avoiding the Monokumas.

"where are we going michi?" I asked.

"we're going to the radio tower to contact someone who can handle this shit!" takemichi muttered.

"are you sure that's safe?" I asked nervously.

"Well we won't know until we check it out" he said encouragingly.

He kicked the door open to find a man dead by the elevator. It looked like he was torn apart by those robots. I immediately buried my head in takemichis back feeling the urge to cry.

"damnit! Dirty basturds" he muttered. He walked over to the elevator and pressed the button "Well at least the elevators working" I nodded and quickly got on the elevator with him.

We rode the elevator to the top floor where a laptop was waiting.

"alright let's get this baby online" takemichi said as he begin working on the computer. After a while a contact popped up.

"future Fondation" I read out loud "I wonder what that is"

"hell if I know. I've been locked in an apartment for the past year and a half" takemichi muttered "let's try it out anyway. They might be able to help us"

We rang the contact and after a while a glitchy voice came out.

"this is branch three kiyotaka ishimaru how can I help you?"

"Big bro!"

"ahh kokichi!"

I couldn't believe it. Right in front of me was my big brother taka.

"kokichi I'm so glad you're safe!" he said happily.

"Well he isn't going to be safe for much longer if you don't help us" takemichi said urgently.

"yes I understand! We'll send someone over but it might take some time so I need you both to hide somewhere safe until we can get to you" taka explained.

"ok then-"

"wait I want to apologise for the things I said"I said quickly.

"oh kichi it's me that should be apologising" taka sighed "after all the only reason you were kidnapped was to get to me and my other classmates"

"so I was kidnapped to get to owada sempi" takemichi muttered.

"yeah I'm afraid I have some bad news about mondo" taka said looking grave "he died in the killing game we took part in"

"sempis dead!" takemichi said turning pale.

"I'm very sorry. His death hurt me too but you both have to stay alive cause I know that's what he would have wanted. Please stay ali-" taka was cut off by the screen turning dark.

"no come back!" I whimpered. Its not fair that he was taking away so quickly!

We turned around to discover that the bears had distroyed the power generater. That must be why the computer turned off. I backed into the wall fearfully. No please I don't want to di-

"ahhhhh!" takemichi charged at the bears and beat them to a pulp with a metal pipe. Once he was done he collapsed to his knees and sobbed.

I ran over and hugged him "I'm sorry michi"

"it's ok kid" he said hugging me back "cause I'm going to survive and I'm going to avenge owada sempi and I'll kill anyone who stops me!" after saying those deadly words he stood up and roughly wiped his tears away.

"come on kid let's survive together!"

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