Secret Base

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Kokichis pov

We managed to climb down the emergency ladder and avoid all the bears and make it to the subway.

We collapsed to the floor, breathless after all the running.

"you ok kid?" takemichi asked.

"yeah" I gasped. Things felt more peaceful until I heard footsteps and tensed up.

"get behind me kid" takemichi said urgently. I did what I was told. The footsteps stopped and we saw two girls, one holding a microphone and the other holding a pair of scissors.

"whoe your the kids from the posters" the girl with the microphone gasped.

"don't call me a kid bitch!" takemichi growled.

"don't talk to my friend like that!" the girl with the scissors glared at him.

"easy toko it's ok" she said gently. She turned to us with a smile "listen we've got a plan to stop all this if you want to come with us-"

"hell no! Now back off before I hurt you" takemichi said threateningly.

"hey michi maybe we should listen to what they have to-"

"shut up!" he yelled "I promised I'd keep you alive and to stay alive we can't trust anyone!"

The microphone girl smiled gently "I understand how you feel. You both must be very scared, I was too! Your name is michi right?"

"tch it's takemichi. Only the kid calls me michi"

"what is he your little brother" toko muttered.

"no he's just someone I need to protect" michi mumbled.

"anyway I'm komaru and I promise you can trust us" komaru said kindly.

"I'm kokichi" I spoke up.

"don't give her your name" michi scolded.

"but you gave her your name!" I pouted.

"that's different!" michi insisted.

"anyway we know where the other survivors are hidden. We can take you there"

"that would be a safe place to keep the kid" michi muttered "fine but if you try anything I'll break your fucking knees!"

"I'll keep that in mind" komaru said nervously.

We followed them down the dark subway tunnel until we found the secret hideout. The place was full of adults but no kids. They all kinda looked at me strangely when I walked in. Probably cause I'm still technically a kid. After looking around for a while I saw...



I ran over and immediately hugged him. He hugged me back tearfully.

"oh my boy. My beautiful baby boy!"

"oh daddy I missed you so much! I'm so sorry for running away"

"no you had every right to be upset. I should have told you about your mother sooner but I didn't know how too. Oh son I'm so sorry-"

"what the hell is that kid doing here!" I looked up to see a long haired man with a cast on his arm glaring at me.

"haji please he's my son" my father begged holding on tight to me.

"I don't care what he is every child is an enemy to us. Get rid of him!" the other adults murmured in agreement.

"like hell I'm going to let you throw that kid out" michi said pulling out his rusty pipe "come on! I'll fight all you fuckers if I have to!"

"are you sure you want to do that young man" haji said glaring at him.

"hell yeah I do! Bring it on you piece of sh-"

"that's enough" everyone stopped fighting and looked up to see komaru on top of a large television "there's no need to fight. I've got a plan!"

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