Uncle Kokichis Wedding

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Kokichis pov

"alright looking good buddy" kaito said helping me with my tie. Today was the day I would marry the love of my life. I was honestly pretty nervous but at least kaitos here. We've become pretty close since the killing game so I made him my best man for the wedding.

Kiyo came running in and gave me a hug. Poor kids been a little clingy since the killing game.

"Congratulations on the wedding uncle" he grinned.

"thanks kid" I said ruffling his hair.

Taka walked in with a stern face "come on kokichi it's time to get going!"

"oh right!"

We arrived at the church and waited at the alter. Then the door opened and himiko came out in beautiful white dress with dad taking her down the aile. Himikos father is never around so dad agreed to take her down.

She came up to the alter.

"you look beautiful" I whispered.

She smiled sweetly "thanks. You look pretty handsome yourself"

"hehe thanks"

The priest smiled at us and began. We said our vows and the priest told us to finish it off with a kiss.

We kissed and everyone clapped. This is it. I'm married to the most beautiful girl in the world.

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