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Kokichis pov

We sat in the helicopter feeling exhausted. Breaking into the children's base was exhausting to say the least. I lay against takemichis shoulder and rested my eyes for a bit.

"hey kid wake up! We're here" I jumped out of my seat. I can't believe I fell asleep I'm such a idiot!

I ran out of the helicopter and nearly tripped but thankfully dad caught me.

"slow down son we'll get there soon there's no need to rush" dad chuckled.

"sorry daddy I'm just excited I get to see big bro again" I said jumping about.

"I'm excited too. I've been parted from my boys for far too long" he said squeezing my shoulder.

As soon as we left the helicopter big bro was standing there with tears in his eyes.

"dad! Kokichi!" he ran up and hugged us "your safe! Thank god your safe!" I spent a little while in my families arms. It felt nice to be comforted by them after being apart for so long.

I noticed takemichi standing around akewordly. He doesn't have anyone to take care of him. He's all alone. I walked up and took him by the hand. He looked at me strangely.

"what ya think your doing short stuff?" he asked.

"your part of the family now michi which means you gotta take part in group hugs" I said dragging him towards dad and taka.

"the hell you mean I'm family?" michi yelled turning red. Did I embarrass him?

"he's right takemichi" taka smiled "you protected my baby brother in that dangerous place so that definitely makes you family plus I think mondo would feel at peace if he knew you were taken care of"

"whatever" michi muttered hiding his face but I managed to catch him smiling. Things are starting to look up for us.

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