My Friend Group

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Kokichis pov

It's been two weeks since keade and rantaros death and ryoma and Kirumi have know joined them in the afterlife. Everything's so difficult. It feels like nothing we do can stop a killing once a motives in place. I wonder if big brother ever felt this useless.

"there you are you degenerate!" I looked up to see tenko glaring at me "where have you been? I've been looking all over for you!"

"Umm sorry I was kinda lost in thought" I muttered nervously. I mean you can't blame me the girls terrifying!

"Well you can get lost in thought later! I need your help" she said blushing slightly.

"ok what do you need my help with?" I asked.

"it's himiko. You gotta help me get her away from Angie. She's brainwashing her!" oh yeah Angie started this weird cult ever since Kirumi death. She seems determined to bring back the dead as crazy as that sounds.

"I agree Angie seems pretty dangerous right now" I muttered.

"I knew you'd understand" tenko said smacking me on the back "now let's go get my girl!"

We arrived at Angies art room where the two girls were praying.

"Well go on kokichi go get her" tenko said pushing me forward.

I walked into the art room and tapped himiko on the shoulder "hey himiko can I talk to you for a second?"

"Hmm ok" she said looking sleepy. Well I guess that's not much of a change she's always sleepy!

She walked out with me but stopped once she saw tenko.

"oh man I should have known this was one of your sceams!" himiko yelled. She turned to me "I'm sorry kokichi you seem like a nice guy but you can't believe what tenkos telling you! Angies a good friend"

"really? Don't you remember when she accused you of murder? That doesn't seem like something a good friend would do" I said with my hands on my hips.

"but that's just-"

"face it himiko Angies just using you to build up her religion"

"oh that's disappointing. I thought I finally made a proper friend" himiko said sadly.

"don't worry we'll be your friends!" I said quickly.

Himikos eyes lit up "ok but tenko has to stop being so creepy"

"will do!" tenko said doing a salute.

I chuckled. Will people like these around me the killing game might just be a little easier.

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