Acceptance Letter

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Hanakos pov

Dear Hanako
Congratulations! You have been selected by our scouts to attend hopes peak under the title of ultimate Trickster. We hope to see you on the sixteenth of September for your first day.

I read it over and over again with a smile on my face. I'm going to hope peak with my friends! I can't wait to-

"your not going!" I looked up in shock at my father.

"why not? Daddy this is the best school in Japan why would you not let me go?"

"hopes peak is not a good school and I refuse to send you there" he said snatching the letter out of my hand and ripping it up.

I teared up slightly "Well thanks alot dad for robbing me of this opportunity" I stormed off to my room and cried into my pillow. I could hear my parents arguing downstairs.

"kokichi that was completely out of line" mom yelled.

"you know how dangerous that school is! There's no way I'd send our daughter there" dad yelled back.

"Kokichi" mom's voice was softer now "I know hopes peak holds some bad memories for you but things are different now"

"that's what we thought when we sent legoshi there and he ended up in a killing game!"

Oh yeah big cousin legoshi was part of a killing game just like auntie sayaka and uncle Leon but things are different now. No ones crazy enough to start a killing game! His paranoia ruining my life!

I stopped listening after that and just hugged my pillow. After some time passed dad knocked on my door. When I didn't answered he walked in and sat down on my bed.

"hey Hanako" he said gently.

"I don't want to talk to you" I muttered.

"yeah I get that I was out of line today but you got to understand that hopes peak took alot of people I love away from we."

I stayed silent.

"I know I thought about it for a while and decided that you should definitely go" he pulled out the letter which he stuck back together with tape.

"thank you daddy!" I said pulling him into a hug.

I was happy then but thinking about it now it would have been better if I hadn't gone to hopes peak.

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