One Last Farewell

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Kokichis pov

The Mastermind was Tsmugi. Like promised she executed herself with Kiibos help. I felt sad as I watched our robo friend sacrificed himself. After all he was the first person I met in this crazy place.

There was only six of us left. Me, maki, miu, kaito, gonta and himiko. We stood in the distance staring at the building that killed several of our friends.

Once we turned around we saw several men in black suits came up to us.

"are you kids the survivors of the killing game?"

We nodded

"Well we're part of future fondation. We're here to take care of you kids"

My eyes lit up. Future Fondation!

Kaito stood in front of us "I don't care who you are you better stay the hell away from-"

"no its ok kaito" I cut in "my brothers in future foundation. They can definitely be trusted!"

"oh well in that case yeah we'll go with you!" kaito grinned. God he's so layed back!

"wonderful please come with us" we followed them into the helicopter and sat down. Himiko sat next to me and lay her head on my shoulder.

Finally the nightmares over.

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