Mercy Kill

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Kokichis pov

I remembered what shuichi said to me.

"let's all survive this together for their sake"

I felt angry. He wanted to survive for keades sake and someone took his life away.

"who did it" everyone was silent "who the fuck did it!"

"don't talk all high and mighty. Your also a suspect" maki said glaring at me.

"no kokichi was with me the whole time so he has an alibi" himiko said.

"ok then who did it!" kaito yelled "I won't forgive you for killing my sidekick!"

"things are a lot harder with shuichi gone" kiibo muttered. He's right. Shuichi was always around to solve the case but now he's gone. Who can help us solve the case now-

"I know who the killer could be" miu spoke up "I was planning on killing one of you in my virtual simulation. Shuichi found out about it but I made him stay quiet. I think he might have killed himself to avoid any more murders" so it was a mercy kill. Shuichi killed himself to avoid any more murders.

"that's bullshit!" kaito yelled "you better stop talking before I beat the hell out of you!"

"no kaito I think she's onto something" I muttered "the wound on shuichis neck dose look self inflicted"

"I'm telling you it's bullshit!" kaito insisted "there's no way my sidekick would end his own life"

"really? You don't think shuichis the type to give up his own life to save others?" he went silent "I just think you don't want to accept it and I understand that but you have to or else we're not going to survive this hell!"

"damnit" kaito muttered "I should of looked out for him. Its my fault he's dead!" he then burst into tears. It was strange seeing a strong-willed guy like kaito cry but it was also understandable. Shuichi was his best friend after all. Losing him has to be crushing. I know cause I went through the same thing not too long ago.

We voted for shuichi and the execution began. Shuichi was dead so of course he couldn't be executed so Monokuma simply executed one of the monokubs.

We all very emotional. Shuichi was one of those people who got along with everyone so we were all effected by his death.

We all went in the elevator feeling broken to say the least.

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