The Death Of A Friend

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Kokichis pov

We went ahead and did the seance. Korekiyo wanted himiko to do the prayer thing but tenko said she'd do it instead. I guess she wanted to show off to himiko.

Suddenly the lights went out. We scrambled around looking for a light switch but once the lights were on we saw the dead body of our friend tenko.

"a body has been discovered!"

"this can't be happening" I whimpered.

"tencooooo!" himiko yelled before bursting into tears. I pulled her into a hug and started crying as well. Why? Why did my friend have to die?

Kaito was kind enough to comfert us while the others went on with the investigation. It turns out that the killer also killed angie. What kind of sick person would take two lives!?

Eventually the investigation was over and we had to go to the trail grounds. I took himikos hand and smiled reassuringly at her.

"come on himiko let's get justice for tenko!"

Time skip

The killer was Korekiyo. I guess we should have known. The seance was his idea after all. I just wish he had a better reason to kill our friend. Instead he simply did it to bring  souls to his dead sister. This whole thing feels so pointless!

I felt shuichi place a hand on my shoulder "I know it hurts kokichi but we have to keep going. We shouldn't give up. I think that's what tenko would have wanted"

I smiled at him "thanks shuichi"

"no problem. It's something I needed to hear when I lost keade"

I held up my hand up to the detective "then let's promise to survive for their sakes"

He smiled and took my hand "I promise"

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