Small Gang

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Kiyos pov

We were all miserable after losing three of our classmates but if there's one good thing about this tragedy it's that it brought me closer to my friends.

Legoshi, oda, me and even riku had become as thick as thieves! We went everywhere together. We even went to the bathroom in pairs! We don't know why we're always so close. Maybe we're just afraid of losing each other.

We made a deal to meet up in the music room where it all started every night to vent out our emotions with music, acting whatever!

Oda and riku both knew how to play the piano so they'd take turns on it, I would read play scripts to the best of my ability (I'm no acter!) and legoshi kinda just sit there. He always got so emotional when he came to this room. It was sad really and I had no idea how to help him.

I was ready to give up when I realised one thing he wouldn't be able to resist joining in too! I talked it over with oda and riku and they agreed. We got in our places. Riku started playing the ace attorney theme while oda stood at the left of the room. Legoshi looked at us in confusion.

"the court in now in session for the thievery of miss Seakos dogtreats! Mr eaghworth what are your thoughts on this?"

"oh well I think it's quite obvious that the thief is Mr Write himself" oda stumbled nervously over his words.

"objection!" legoshi stood up pointing his finger in oda direction. He's already gotten completely absorbed in his character. that's the legoshi I remember!

"ah Mr Wright do you have an objection?" I asked.

"yes I do your honer I wasn't the theif. The theif is... The boy playing the piano over there!"

"eh?" riku jumped in his seat.

"your honer it's obvious that the boy loves dog treats therefore I have no doubt in my mind that he's the thief!"

"oh drat I've been found out" riku said unenfusiaticly.

"alright I think I can conclude this trial. I find the defen-"


I turned around to see Merada and aoi laughing together.

"aww there doing a skit together how cute!" aoi giggled.

"that's boys for you. Seems they'll never grow up" Merada said smirking.

The two of them skipped away together leaving the rest of us red faced with embarrassment.

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