Working Together

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Kokichis pov

I woke up In a strange room with a woman I've never seen before.

"what's going on?" I asked. I noticed we were both  wearing a collar. I gingerly touched my neck and a chill ran down my spine when I felt the cold metal.

"I'm glad you asked my dear!" a voice came from the speakers "this is a future fondation Killing game!"

We both gasped.

"see those collars on your necks? They make you my obedient pets. You'll do exactly as I say and if you don't" a future Fondation members collar turned red and exploded killing him instantly "that will happen"

I screamed as we stared at the headless man.

"ok so here's how the rules work. All the future Fondation members are in three separate rooms. You must all find each other to open the room that will remove your collar. While you are wearing the collar you must do as I say. You have a time limit of two hours. If the time runs out I'll kill you all! Ok good luck!" the happy go lucky voice shut off. The white haired women stood up.

"you poor kid you must be terrified" she gave us a gentle smile at least I think she did it's kinda hard to tell with the mask "my names Seako and I promise to protect you. Now let's get moving before time runs out"

I nodded and followed her.

Makotos pov

I stood their in shock. Minutes ago I was going to explain myself to the future fondation president and now I'm stuck in another killing game with  hina, Hiro and toko  in this small room.

"ahh! We're doomed! Doomed I tell you!" hiro screamed.

"crying isn't going to help hiro" hina scolded.

"the lady's right! We just have to work together and get out " I said optimistically.

"yeah that's the spirit" hina cheered

Toko walked up to me and squeeze my hands firmly.

"makoto I promised your sister that I'd keep you safe so you better not go dieing on me!"

"if it can be helped I won't" I replied.

She smiled at me and walked away. Toko really has changed since we were teens. I'm glad to have her here with me.

Kyokos pov

"I see so this is the situation we're in." I muttered to myself.

I was trapped in this room with Byakuya, haji, takkaki and takemachi.

"tch! Out of all people I had to be trapped with all of you" Byakuya said cruely.

"hey! Say that to my face you son of a bitch" takemachi growled .

"Byakuya we are to work together to get out of here so enough of the childish behaviour"

Byakuya scoffed but I knew he understood. Out of everyone I'm the only one who can handle Byakuya. That's probably why we make such a good team.

"alright everyone let's get to work!"

Takas pov

I was trapped in here with komaru. I was worried about kokichi. We only just reunited and now we've been separated again.

"mister ishimaru" komaru said catching my attention "I know your worried about kokichi but we've got to concentrate. It's the only way we'll get out of this alive."

I grinned. She's definitely mokotos little sister.

"your right komaru let's get moving!"

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