The Truth Is Revealed

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Kokichis pov

I was sitting in dad's office playing with Kiyo when I accidentally fell back and banged into dad's desk, knocking a file onto my lap. I know I shouldn't be snooping but I was curious about what was in the file especially since it had ouma (my old last name) on the front page.

I opened it and I couldn't believe what I was reading. My mother was sexualy abused by dad's dad. He's the reason she killed herself!

I stormed into the kitchen where dad and big brother was waiting.

"hey kokichi how are you-" he stopped once he saw the file in my hand.

"kokichi where did you-"

"how could you" I growled "I witnessed my mother killed herself I've been scared ever since!"

"kokichi I'm sorry we just didn't know how to tell you" dad tried to reason with me.

"shut up!" I screamed "that basturd ruined my life and I'll never forgive you for it!"

I ran outside with tears running down my cheeks. Once I calmed down I started to feel guilty. Its not their fault that his grandfather was a total monster. I should apolog-

Before I could do anything a bunch of hands grabbed me, covering my mouth. I felt my consciousness fade away as I was dragged into a van.

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