Showdown With A Genius

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Hanakos pov

We all took our places at the stands. I was angry that this had to happen again. At least with niko it was simply self defense but the way sakura was killed was no accident and I won't let them get away with it!

"ok so judging by what the Monokuma file told us natsumi was killed at 3:30am by a slit throat" hinata said.

"do you think this could have been a accidentle killing?" kimari asked "after all that blood trail was pretty damn sloppy"

"no I don't think that's the case" I said.

"why not!" token said quick to defend his new friend "she brings up a good point!"

"she dose but the way natsumi was killed there's no way that was a accident right nesko

"that's right! Judging by the scar I think it safe to say that the killer got behind natsumi and slit her throat. Its probably how they avoided getting any blood on their clothes."

"so there's no way this was just self defense like niko."

"oh ok! It makes sense when you put it like that!" kimari said as care free as ever.

"I'd say there reason for not hiding the blood trail it so the body could be frond. There would be not point to killing if no one found the body" konaki said.

"I agree" hinata said "I think the killer must have dragged her into the closest after slitting her throat."

"then natsumi didn't die in the closest" izuku gasped.

"of course not you idiot!" taiko said mockingly "there wouldn't have been a blood trail if that was the case"

"ok so she was killed in the hallway and dragged in the storage closet but where the fuck does that get us?" michi growled in a way that unusual for the carefree girl "WHO KILLED NATSUMI!?"

Who killed natsumi indeed. How am I supposed to answer that! There isn't anymore evidence to- wait!

"I think I might have a answer to that" I spoke up.

"huh you do?" gracie gasped.

"yes and I'm afraid it points at you taiko"

"me? Really!" she raised her eyebrow as if I'd just said something really stupid.

"yes you!"

"of all the stupid things that you could say- your really starting to piss me off" she glared at me. I felt nervous under that glare but I couldn't back down!

"I found  a strange smudge on the ground. It looked like blood that had been wiped away and there was also some blood  on her index finger. I couldn't understand what it meant before but I do now!"

"oh really? And would you like to fill in the rest of the class" taiko said in a mocking tone.

"it was a dieing message! She was still alive when the killer dumped her in the closet!"

"wow. She must have been thinking about us even when she was dieing" karu said with a sad smile.

"Well that's all very fascinating but how does that point to me being the killer?" taiko asked.

"hinata said you checked the body and never mentioned it"

"oh? And because I missed one little detail I'm suddenly the killer?"

"don't give me that! I know you're the kind of person who would look into every little detail of a crime there's no way you'd miss it unless it was something you didn't like!"

Taiko had no smart come back for me. Instead she she just stood there motionless. Just like niko. Dose your body just stop functioning when you know your going to die?

"Well we should start the vote now" hinata forced the words out. I knew this was hurting her. After all her and taiko had gotten pretty close over the killing game.

We nodded and casted the votes.

"Congratulations! You kids got it right on the money! The killer was non other than taiko togami!" Monokuma said gleefully.

"why taiko? I thought we were going to escape the killing game together?" hinata said tearfully.

Taiko sighed "I don't expect you to understand but Monokuma threaten my fathers business. I don't care much about the togami corporation, I much rather become a detective like my mother but the business means the  world to my father. He gave up everything to rebuild it and I couldn't let it crumble while I was in a position to stop it" so Monokuma threaten her families business. Her family must mean alot to her. I can understand that.

"ok enough of the sob story it punishment Time!" Monokuma said gleefully.

Taiko turned to hinata one last time "you've been a good friend to me hinata. Please survive this and apologise to my family."

"I will" she said shakenly.

"let's give it everything we've got iiiiits punishment Time!"

Taiko was running through the snow towards a mantion. In the snow were the words.

Taiko togamis punishment
From hero to zero

She ran inside the mantion but was quickly dropped through a trap door. She was dropped into a bilzarred. She tried to find shelter but failed and ended up freezing to death.

Another death. I want to feel again. I want to live a normal life but it seems this school doesn't care about what I want.

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