Hanako Ishimaru Ultimate Trickster

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Hanakos pov

"wake up big sis wake up!" I woke up to my red haired twin brothers Leo and Lee jumping on my bed. They were adorable but man were they annoying!

"alright I'm getting up you brats" I grumbled as they ran out of the room giggling.

I got up to my mother cooking pancakes and my father reading a mystery novel. I sat down and my father grinned at me.

"hey honey. I see the boys got you up faster than I could have. Maybe I should send them in more often."

"don't even think about it!" I growled as dad laughed at me. Mom placed a plate of pancakes in front of me and kissed my cheek.

"here's your breakfast hun"

"thanks mom" I said as I wolfed it down. Once I was finished I stood up and ran out the door yelling.

"I'm going to go visit big cousin Kiyo now"

"ok have fun baby"

I ran down the street playing pranks along the way since that's pretty much my go to thing. People around here actually started calling me the ultimate Trickster.

"hey Hanako. Causing trouble as always?" I turned around to see Aiko with her husband riku and two kids raioku and midori.

"hehe you know me so well" I giggled.

"Well don't cause too much trouble. I wouldn't want to have to take you in again" she said ruffling my hair.

"are you off to visit kiyo?" riku asked.

"yep! I want to see how him and aoi are doing with the new baby" I said.

"Well I'm afraid he went over to visit legoshi and merada so he not home"

"oh drat! I guess I'll just go see konaki then goodbye!" I ran off towards my friends house. I accidentally banged into oda on the way.

"oh shoot! Sorry oda" I said helping him with his bags.

"oh it alright Hanako no harm done" oda said as kind as ever.

"How's Rita and the boys been doing?" I asked.

"oh not too bad. Rita's a little under the weather so I'm doing the shopping"

"your such a good husband oda!"

"hehe thanks I try. I must be going now bye!"


I ran over to konakis home and knocked on the door. His mother maki answered the door.

"hello Hanako"

"hi miss momota can I hang out with konaki please?"

"sure. Gracies also here"

"nice!" I ran in and opened his bedroom door. Konaki and gracie were sitting on the floor reading.

"what's up guys!"

"Hanako your here!" gracie got up and hugged me. Konaki simply waved and went back to his book.

"sit down Hanako we've got great news for you" gracie said excitedly. I sat down next to konaki.

"ok so get this hopes peak just sent us a  letter inviting us to be students at hopes peak! Isn't that exciting!"

"aww guys that's awesome!" I said pulling them into a hug. Konaki stiffened up at the hug.

"say did you get in Hanako?" gracie asked.

"no I didn't get a letter like that" I said feeling disappointed that I won't be going to the same school as my friends.

"don't worry you'll probably get the letter later. They don't all come at the same time" konaki said not looking up from his book.

"really!? Then I better go check bye guys"

"bye Hanako!"

".... Bye"

I ran home as fast as my legs would take me and I was greeted by my mother holding a letter.

"Hanako there's a letter here for you"

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