Kokichis Twelveth Birthday

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Kokichis pov

One year later

"happy birthday dear brother of mine!" taka yelled making me jump out of bed. He dose this every year on my birthday so you'd think that I'd be use to it but somehow it scares the crap out of me every time!

He pulled me into a hug "it's like only yesterday you were a adorable toddler but now you're a big boy of twelve! I'm so proud!" he said with tears in his eyes.

"your acting like my dad" I giggled hugging him back.

"Well you feel like a son to me" he agrued "speaking of Father's dad's downstairs cooking your favourite meal"

"pancakes with panta!" I yelled my eyes lighting up.

"yep. I have no idea why you like that unhealthy food" taka muttered.

I wasn't listening though. I ran downstairs as fast as I could and hugged my dad from behind "your the best dad in the world!"

"Well I'm glad to see you happy" he said ruffling my hair.

We sat down and dug in. I noticed dad was reading a newspaper with the headline THE END IS NEAR! on it.

"dad is the world really ending?" I asked.

Dad sighed "it sure feels that way kiddo. Mobs have been vandalising and killing people just for the sake of it. It feels like the world has gone mad"

"hopes peak has become dangerous too" taka muttered "headmaster kirigiri was talking about closing the school until the matter has been resolved"

"it's probably for the best I wouldn't want to see you get hurt" dad said. He noticed how nervous I looked and smiled "Well enough of this doomsday talk. I believe it's a certain someone's birthday today"

I giggled.

"your absolutely right dad let's have lots of fun today" taka yelled.

The party began and taka invited mondo, chihiro and Leon over which I didn't mind since I liked them all. They brought presents and talked about how big I've gotten. It was kinda embarrassing.

At the end I blew out the candles on my panta flavoured cake and wished that my family will stay safe from the new dangers the world posed.

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