A Motive

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Kiyos pov

We all gathered in the gymnasium where the bear was grinning at us.

"wonderful I'm glad you kids took the bait! Now I have a confession to make"

"just get it out already! I have better things to do then to listen to you!" merada yelled impaisently.

"alright alright the confession I have to make is that I stole your memories"


"that's right! That why you felt dizzy and confused when you got here. Now that I dropped that bombshell I'll be taking my leave"


But he left before we could stop him. If we really lost our memories then how long have we been away from our families? How long have I been away from uncle kokichi and dad?

I looked around and everyone else was equally as disturbed.

"I think we should retire for the night" I muttered and everyone else agreed.

I couldn't sleep that night. Too many thoughts were running through my head. I decided to take a walk in order to clear my head. That's when I saw merada holding a metal pipe over calas head!

"stop!" I yelled.

Merada dropped the pipe in shock. Cala turned around in shock and ran away.

"you damn idiot you screwed everything up" merada yelled running past me.

I stood alone in the room shaking. I nearly witnessed a murder. Now I'm definitely not going to sleep tonight.

By the time morning came I decided to take a stroll down the halls. Well that's what I was going to do before I heard a blood curdling scream coming from the  music room 

I ran there as quickly as I could and then stumbled back in shock. It's couldn't be but it was. Sitting on the stool with her face on the keys covered in blood was kay feraday.

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