Babies On the Street

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Takas pov

One year later

I was walking with my friends mondo, Leon and chihiro when I heard some distant crying. We inspected it to find four crying babies.

"poor little things they look so cold" chihiro sighed.

"we should take care of them" I suggested.

"great idea" Leon picked one up "imma name mine Leon Jr"

"that's a stupid ass name" mondo muttered.

"fine then how about legoshi!" he yelled.

"now that's a boss name!" mondo said slapping him on the back. He picked up one of the babies "I'll name my dalya after the brother I lost"

"guys are you sure we should be adopting these kids? We don't know the first thing about raising a child!" chihiro said worriedly.

"I understand your concern chihiro but it's going to be ok." I said reassuringly "I think it would be good to give these children a chance at a family don't you agree?"

"ok" chihiro picked up a baby "then I'll name this one oda after my grandfather.

"what ya gonna name yours taka" mondo said patting me on the back.

I looked down at the last baby. He had spicky black hair like mine. Maybe this was fate.

"I'll name mine Kiyo."

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