[25] amortentia

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Marlee's POV

After a D.A. meeting of working on the Shield Charm, I went back to my room feeling very tired. The past few weeks I had been staying up late to finish homework or study. This was usually around the time of year where things started to stack up so I wasn't surprised.

"Where have you been?" Fabienne asked me when I plopped onto my bed.

"Oh, I was in the library. Thought the scenery might change how I do my work but I don't think it did," I lied. Good thing I was carrying my bag with me or else that would have looked quite suspicious.

They seemed to buy it as they all retreated to their work silently. Not long after, there was a knock on the door. Without looking up, Aries flicked her wand and the door opened to reveal Tristan and Ceaser. Harlow immediately stood up and embraced Tristan in a tight hug while Ceaser awkwardly greeted the rest of us. I noticed Aries pretended to be too immersed in her homework to look at him.

As Tristan and Harlow started chatting quietly, I called Ceaser over to break the tension in the room. "I never got to thank you for what happened at the New Years party," I said.

"Oh yeah, it was nothing. We overheard Zane talking about it but we didn't think he actually would. How are you feeling?" Ceaser spoke softly with concern in his voice which was nothing out of the usual, he was a very "soft" guy.

"I'm feeling just fine, thank you for asking. Are you guys coming to the Quidditch match?" I asked, glancing at Aries who was sneering at me subtly.

"Is it against Ravenclaw?" Ceaser immediately responded. I raised an eyebrow at him as he turned pink.

"Who do you want to see on the Ravenclaw team, Ceaser?" Fabienne teased, overhearing the conversation.

Ceaser scratched the back of his head and look at the floor, "No one...but either way, we'll go. We can cheer on Aries!" He beamed at her and she nervously smiled back.

The six of us chatted together until dinner time and we walked down to the Great Hall in a clump. The corridors were filled with students and two people brushed by my left shoulder. Serena was dragging George through the crowd and he yelled a "sorry!" before disappearing into the swarm of students. I wasn't even sure if he knew it was me but it didn't matter anymore.

"I can see why you like him," Ceaser whispered into my ear, startling me.

I let out a sharp breath, "What? I don't know what you're talking about." I felt my cheeks start to get hot.

"Don't play dumb, Marlee. I see right through you, you love the guy. But I don't blame you, he is seriously fit." I knitted my brows together and parted my lips slightly. Ceaser simply nodded at me with a smirk, "Don't worry I won't steal him from you." I threw my arms around him in a hug as almost everything started to make sense.

With his permission, I later explained this to Aries and she felt like an absolute git for being heartbroken over him all of those years. I told her that she couldn't have known and that she had Lee now too. She was in such a state of shock that my tease went straight over her head.

We were the only ones in the dorm as Harlow was with Tristan and Fabienne was in the common room. There was a knock on the door and Aries immediately stood up to answer it. Of course, this only led to me to believe that it was Lee who was at the door.

"Oi, hello Marlee," he greeted me and sat down on Aries' bed. "George is looking for you by the way."

I scoffed, "And he didn't think to check my dormitory?" Aries let out a giggle and I joined her.

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