[10] only a kiss

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Marlee's POV

I turned my head to see Serena jogging over to us.

"Serena?" George sounded surprised but then melted at her charming smile.

"I just wanted to make sure you were alright." Serena glanced at me, sitting at his bedside. Something changed in the air and the three of us recognized it. George cleared his throat as if that was going to rid the tension.

"Yeah I'm alright. Pomfrey says I'll probably be discharged after dinner," George casually put his hands on the back of his head, leaning on the headboard.

Is he trying to flirt with Serena? Gross.

I'd never seen him flirt with a girl and I never wanted to ever again. Whatever he was doing was working though because then they began to exchange flirtatious smiles and giggles.

As if he forgot I was there George looked back at me and sat up straight again. I took this as my cue to leave and I said goodbye (mostly to George).

I got to my dorm and my roommates stared at me intently, dying to hear about what happened. I explained how things were well and normal before Serena came.

"Serena Hopkins? Ugh that little minx," Harlow groaned.

Aries added, "Hasn't she done enough already?"

Serena and I used to be friends during our second year but as you could tell we definitely aren't anymore.

"Whatever, I told you guys I've put that all in the past," I said.

"Well now she's messing with you and George!" exclaimed Fabienne.

"Well then let her! It's not like George and I have anything special anyways..." I bit my cheek not even believing my own words. I'd only really known George for a couple of months and I've opened up to him so much already, I'd honestly trust him with my life.

Although they all didn't believe my statement as well, they didn't say anything about it. Harlow said I should just keep an eye out for her and I agreed. You never knew what that girl was going to do. If anything I was more worried about George getting hurt than myself.

These thoughts troubled me into the next day in DADA. George slipped in right as class started and he seemed aloof. That's when I noticed the scar on his left hand.

"George, again?!" I whispered in a soft voice as Umbridge walked to the front of the class. I grabbed his hand to observe it and it read, 'I will never play Quidditch again' in his handsomely messy handwriting.

He didn't respond or look at me but instead shook his hand out of my grasp. I wanted to do something to comfort him but I knew I couldn't once Umbridge opened her mouth.

George barely moved all of class and kept his eyes forward. I looked at the front of the classroom where Fred was surprisingly taking notes or maybe just doodling. I was dying to know what happened.

Once class was over, George quickly left before me and I saw Serena waiting for him like usual. Her lips read, 'are you okay?' and George looked down shaking his head.

So you can talk to her but not me? I thought but quickly shook it off. He was clearly upset and just wanted to be alone.

I felt someone graze my shoulder to see a similar redhead. "Hey Fred," I called out.

He turned and looked surprised to see that I was the one who called him. "What's up?" he asked.

I noticed his left hand had the same scar as George's. "What the bloody hell happened? George wouldn't talk to me," I said.

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