[32] a night alone

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[ cw: blood/broken nose, mentions of sexual content ]

Marlee's POV

After clearing the air with George and deciding that we were better off as friends, things were better than ever. Although we didn't have as much alone time as we used to, we still got on very well.

The first week of the Holiday flew by as I had a new adventure with the Gryffindors each day. I tried to stay away from Slytherin Dungeon in case someone would try to jump me after hearing about D.A. but surprisingly word had died down about that.

I decided to spend the day catching up on schoolwork so I wouldn't be cramming on Sunday night. I spent the entire day going back and forth from the library to my dormitory to professors' offices to my common room.

I was sitting in my common room just after dinner when a group of Gryffindors came down the grand staircase. I hesitantly looked around the common room only to see just a couple of second years that I knew wouldn't care and I exhaled in relief.

"You're right George, this is so depressing." I heard Fred say as they walked over to me.

"What the hell are you guys doing here? How did you get in?" I questioned. They all looked at George and he simply shrugged his shoulders with a playful grin on his lips.

"Well we just felt bad that you've had to walk all the way to Gryffindor Tower everyday so we decided to come to you today!" Alicia chirped as they made themselves comfortable on the leather couches.

I noticed Fred looking around with disgust on his face. "How do you live here? It's so uncomfortable."

"I think it's rather comforting," I sassed and narrowed my eyes towards him. He shivered as he took one last look at the room.

George noticed what I was working on and piped up, "Hey I think I saw your Potions textbook in the library."

"That's where it went! Did you grab it for me?" I closed up my books and sat next to him on the couch.

He let out a snort and replied, "No. Did you want me to?" I picked up my DADA textbook and smacked his arm. He didn't seem to be affected by the hit as he continued to giggle to himself.

At that moment, Terrence and Miles came down from their dormitory and greeted me, Terrence slapping my hand with his. I saw his eyes flicker over to Katie and his cheeks turned pink. I noticed Katie was looking off to the side, pretending like she wasn't aware of the current situation.

"Do you guys want to hang with us?" I asked, hoping to get a reaction from Katie but she continued to be interested in the wall.

"Actually we were just about to go do something but maybe later," Miles answered before Terrence could.

I had talked to them a couple days earlier and they said they could care less about what I was doing and weren't mad about the D.A. situation.

"That's cool," I replied. "Could you get my Potions book from the library while you're out? Someone didn't grab it for me." I elbowed George's side and he cried out in pain.

Terrence put his hands in the pockets of his trousers while he nodded and Miles pulled him away, out of the common room. I turned my head back to Katie and she was now present in the conversation.

I thought I was the only one who noticed but then Oliver chimed, "Is that why you were slacking off at the Slytherin game?" He pointed a stern finger at Katie.

She nervously tucked her dark hair behind her ear as she replied, "I don't know what you're talking about."

"What are you on about, Oli?" oblivious Fred asked and Angelina rolled her eyes.

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