[35] missed connection

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Marlee's POV

There he sat on the sand. The wind blowing through his hair and his shirt flapping. He looked so gorgeous staring out to sea, I couldn't bear to look away. My heart felt warm and happy as if my life could end right then and there and I'd be content forever. Because he was mine.

As the image became more clear, I was able to make out his facial features and soon recognized this person. He was someone I knew very well, someone I trusted and loved. He leaned in to kiss me and once our lips touched, I knew exactly who he was.

I woke up abruptly with a pounding headache. Sunlight was peering into the room and I noticed Aries asleep in bed, the other two beds, empty. I rubbed my eyes and tried to remember anything from last night. I remembered kissing George but everything else was messy. My stomach felt queasy as I pondered the meaning of my dream.

I thought I was done with having to sort out my feelings for him but now I wasn't so sure. Even just thinking about him, gave my stomach butterflies. He was still the same George I'd known all year, why did a kiss and dream have to change any of that? My whole body felt heavy and my mind was frazzled with these thoughts but the only person I wanted comfort from was George.

I combed through my hair and felt it tied into a braid. I suddenly recalled George helping me last night and it only made me more nauseous. I checked the clock and it was just in time for breakfast. I decided not to wake Aries and headed down by myself, putting on some leggings and a jumper that I found on the floor.

When I walked into the Great Hall, Ceaser was sitting alone at our spot at the Slytherin and I mumbled a greeting as I sat down across from him.

"Where did you go last night?" he questioned, taking a sip of his coffee.

I rubbed my eyes and began putting food on my plate. "I'm not entirely sure...I woke up in my bed after George brought me to the bathroom," I said.

"That was quite the kiss you two had—"

"Don't mention it," I interrupted, not wanting to be reminded of it. He nodded and jokingly zipped his lips then threw away the key.

I took a small bite from my toast, not feeling very hungry when George sat down next to me, straddling the bench.

"Are you feeling better today?" he asked, genuinely, and gently moved my braid off my shoulder as he chuckled. "You look like a mess, Mar."

I grimaced and put my hood over my head. I hadn't particularly looked at myself in the mirror before I left and kept in his braid that got messed up in my sleep. I decided to take it out and I handed him the hair tie so he could "hold it for me".

"Angie says to give you this," he said and gave me a drink that looked similar to the one she gave me a couple weeks ago.

Although the taste was unbearable, I knew it would make me feel somewhat better so I drank it. I could feel my drowsiness start to slip away but my feelings for George still lingered in the back of my mind.

I swore the past two weeks had been nothing but a friendship. We were talking again and having good laughs with each other. Things that friends did, not couples.

"Marlin?" I was pulled away from my thoughts. "We're heading back to the common room, do you want me to come check up on you later or will you come after you're done eating?" George asked with furrowed brows of concern.

"You don't have to check up on me, I'll be okay," I muttered, avoiding eye contact with him.

He gave a deep sigh, "If you say so." He slowly stood up and whispered to Ceaser, "Keep an eye on her, will you?" Ceaser saluted in understanding and I felt George bend down to kiss the top of my head as he bid me goodbye.

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