[44] at last

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[ cw: references to sexually explicit material ]

Marlee's POV

I woke up Sunday morning, still feeling fuzzy on the inside from my amazing date with George. I could not believe that he did my perfect Romeo but that just showed you how thoughtful George was. I loved him so much.

George was still sleeping with his arm wrapped around my waist but the other three beds were empty. I checked the time and it was almost ten.

George looked so handsome when he slept, I almost didn't want to wake him. His orange eyelashes that covered his eyes. His soft, pink lips, parted slightly. The freckles that scattered his face—Merlin he was gorgeous. I don't think I'd ever be able to get over that.

I slowly climbed on top of him and began to trail kisses up his neck. "George," I sang, "it's time to get up, darling."

He let out a groan, shifting his body but continued to keep his eyes closed. I gave a sigh and started to suck harder on his neck, leaving a purple mark. Something about being able to mark him for the second time made my stomach flip (in a good way).

"Mars," his groaned, his voice raspy and sending sparks up my skin. My heart skipped a beat at his new nickname for me. He placed one of his large hands on my waist and the other rested on his forehead.

"Come on, Georgie," I moaned, contemplating on whether or not to just leave him there alone. "I'm going to leave without you."

"It's not my fault you take up so much space so I couldn't sleep last night," George mumbled.

I scoffed and crossed my arms. "I guess I'll just never sleep with you again then."

His eyes shot open and he sat up. "I didn't mean it like that, love," he cooed and snaked his hands under my shirt to hold my waist.

Deciding to be a bit stubborn, I slowly moved my hips back and forth. George's eyebrows shot up and he looked down to where our bodies made contact. I saw him bite his lower lip and his gaze never moved from their location.

I abruptly came to a stop and peeled his hands off of me, standing up to leave. "Marlee," he groaned, "c'mon don't leave. Now I've gotta take care of this—just wait for me please."

I put on my socks while replying, "Sorry, no can do."

"Maybe you can help me and it'll go quicker?" he hinted and scrunched up his nose.

I finished putting my second sock on and placed my hands on my hips while I poked my cheek with my tongue. "That's quite a request when you haven't even asked me out on a second date or even mentioned a 'we should do this again sometime'," I said in a sassy tone.

Getting a bit flustered by his situation, he stood up on the opposite side of the bed, tugging at his pants slightly. "Fine, will you go on a second date with me?"

"Fine!" I raised my voice.

"Fine! Will you be my girlfriend?" He matched my volume.


"Fine! Now will you help me with this?" We were both yelling now.



But it wasn't long until we both broke our intimidating acts and cracked smiles at each other. Then, I suddenly tackled him onto the bed, straddling his hips.

"Marlee!" he exclaimed, surprised by my dominance.

"Do you want help or not?" I sat up and crossed my arms.

misdirection ⤷ g. weasleyWhere stories live. Discover now