[38] calm before the storm

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Marlee's POV

I stayed in my dormitory all Sunday, in fear of facing George. But I only had myself to blame—actually Miles was the one who put the idea in my head, it was his fault...or maybe it was a bad idea to tell George after all.

In the evening, Aries went to Gryffindor Tower but I refused to go with her. I told them of my situation and they were all very excited which was the exact opposite of how I was feeling.

Hours later, Aries popped back into the room just before I was about to go down for the night. She seemed quite pumped up and hopped onto my bed.

"Marlee! George was so quiet without you today and he seemed really anxious about something, you know how he taps his foot and plays with his rings" she exclaimed.

"Why are you saying that like it's a good thing?" I sassed.

She rolled her eyes. "Because, he's probably nervous about what he's gonna say to you and how he's gonna tell you that he feels the same!"

"Or he's nervous about turning me down and ruining our friendship," I shot back and laid down, covering my head with my blanket.

There was a knock at the door and I felt Aries' weight lift off of my bed to open it. Whoever was at the door spoke quietly and I only heard Aries say, "one second" before closing the door lightly.

"Marleeee, it's Geooorge," she sang.

I sat up abruptly with my eyes wide. "Tell him I'm not feeling well," I whispered in a harsh tone.

Aries groaned but obeyed my wishes and opened the door once more telling him that I wasn't feeling well.

"She doesn't want to see me, does she?" I heard him say in his low and beautiful voice.

Shut up Marlee.

Aries pressed her lips together to form a thin line as she shook her head no. He said something else that I couldn't make out and Aries quickly nodded, closing the door again.

"No, I'm not going," I insisted whilst shaking my head, furiously.

"He wants to give you this and hopes that you'll go talk to him," Aries explained while holding out something rolled up in a napkin.

I immediately knew what it was. George didn't see me at meals today and was probably worried that I didn't eat. It was reasons like this that made me like him so much. Merlin, it was so hard to want to avoid him. Something caught my eye and I rolled up my sleeve slightly to see the letters, GFW, written on my wrist. I bit the inside of my cheek to hold back my smile and tossed the blanket off my legs, swooping them off my bed then walking to the door. I hesitated before turning the doorknob and rotated around to face my friends.

"How do I look?" I asked, nervously as I was already in my pajamas, shorts and his jumper.

"Oh hush, just go already! You look beautiful," Harlow whisper-yelled.

I rolled my eyes and gave them a "wish me luck" look before opening the door. George stood patiently outside the door with his hands behind his back. His fiery hair had droplets of water on it from a shower, I assumed, and he was wearing a green t-shirt with black joggers.

"Hi," he said, breathlessly.

I nervously rubbed my hands on the sides of my thighs as I closed the door behind me. "Hi...thank you for the sausages, I really appreciate it. I just decided to eat in my dormitory today—I've been catching up on my schoolwork."

George raised an eyebrow. "Is that the only reason?" he interrogated. Damn he knew me too well. "Well would you like to go for a quick walk with me?" he asked, holding out his arm.

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