[23] a christmas to be kids

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Angelina's POV

I woke up with a bad feeling in my stomach. Last night didn't go quite as planned. Fred and I got into a slight argument before things were able to get heated but I still woke up with his arms wrapped around my waist.

I felt bad for making George sleep on the couch since he didn't have to. The house was very much awake already and I hoped Marlee and George kept their word in covering for us.

I turned to face my boyfriend who was still sound asleep. I ran my hand through his messy red hair and observed his soft features. I immediately regretted the way things went last night. We'd been fighting so much lately and about stupid stuff. I didn't know why though.

As I continued to brush his hair a smile appeared on his lips. "Well good morning," I greeted him.

He slowly opened his eyes and gave me a kiss then buried his face into my chest. He was such a baby sometimes but I didn't mind.

"I'm sorry about last night," he mumbled into my chest.

I kissed his head and rested my chin on top of it. "It's okay, love," I whispered.

We laid there for a couple more minutes before I decided the longer we waited, the more suspicious everyone would get. I tried to get out of bed but Fred pulled me back.

"Freddie, c'mon we have to get up. It's Christmas, remember?" I giggled.

He immediately shot up at the reminder of Christmas and ran to the bathroom. I followed him, shaking my head.

I went down before him so nobody would get suspicious and everyone was in the kitchen cooking. I noticed Marlee and George at the stove together, laughing.

George was trying to put something in the pan and Marlee was pushing him away with her hip. He surrendered but walked behind her and slyly picked her up, wrapping his arms around her middle. She was squirming and giggling in his grasp and he quickly set her down then ran to the stove to do whatever it was he wanted to. She ran over and unsuccessfully stopped him, smacking his arm as he giggled.

I walked to the table where Ginny and Hermione were cutting fruits. "And how was your night?" Ginny smirked.

I panicked, "What are you talking about?"

"I wake up in the middle of the night to see George in bed with Marlee, hm I wonder where that puts you," she teased.

My eyes widened, "George in bed with Marlee?!" I spoke in a low voice so they wouldn't hear.

Ginny furrowed her brows, "You sound surprised."

"I am! I thought he was sleeping on the couch," I explained.

She shrugged her shoulders as she replied, "Unless it was a random guy, I'm pretty sure it was George."

Hermione rolled her eyes. "I still think you were just delirious Gin. I woke up before Marlee and she was alone."

"Yes but George was already awake so who knows where he was before," Ginny pointed out.

"It's none of our business anyway," Hermione shook her head.

I looked at the two by the stove and smiled to myself. She definitely brought out the best in him and he for sure had forgotten all about Serena now. I made a mental note to ask her about last night.

My thoughts were interrupted as Fred came down the stairs, looking as handsome as ever. He gave me a kiss on the cheek and went to greet his mum.

"George seems awfully happy doesn't he?" I whispered to Fred. He looked over at his twin who was still chatting with Marlee.

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