[19] baking the tension

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Marlee's POV

As I began to accept my feelings I realized, it wasn't like I could act on them anyway. He was dating someone else. So I ended up deciding to drop the whole situation and stop stressing myself out.

However, things were still weird between us. There wasn't tension or anything but we were still not talking as well as we used to. It was as if the past three months had never happened.

But accepting my feelings actually helped me in the long run. I was able to acknowledge the fact that nothing could be done and when we were in class he started to feel like a normal classmate again.

Although, sometimes in the Great Hall we'd make eye contact but quickly look away or we'd walk past one another in an empty corridor, pretending like we didn't see each other. It was an odd stage in our relationship but I just didn't know how to fix it.

I occasionally still went to the Gryffindor common room for the girls' Tea Tuesday's and today was one of those days.

"Did you see the way Ron was looking at you today, 'Mione?" Angelina smirked.

Hermione rolled her eyes. "He wasn't looking at me any different than usual," she protested.

"Exactly, he's always fancied you," I chuckled. Hermione gave me a glare while the rest of the girls agreed with laughter.

"Are you still coming to the Burrow for the Holiday, Marlee?" Ginny asked.

This was a thought that had been lingering in my mind ever since I got that letter from my dad. I didn't even know if my invitation still stood. George was the one who invited me after all. "Um...I don't know," I admitted.

"You should!" Angelina exclaimed.

I squinted my eyes, uneasy about the thought of going now. "Well...I'm not...Geor—I don't want to intrude or anything," I tried to make up something.

"Oh please, Mum loves guests. She'll be happy to meet you," Ginny assured me. Before I was able to respond we heard footsteps come down the stairs.

It was Fred.

"Well hello ladies," he chimed and sat down next to Angelina, giving her a kiss on the cheek. Angelina told me about a couple of fights they'd been having but it seemed like they had made up.

"Fred you're not allowed here, remember?" Ginny said in a sassy tone.

"Is it Tuesday already?" He pretended to think and Ginny rolled her eyes at her brother.

"S'alright, we haven't really had anything fun to talk about today," Katie replied, sipping her tea.

Fred leaned back stretching his arm behind Angelina. "Really, is that so?" he questioned.

"We were just talking about Marlee coming over to the Burrow for Christmas," Angelina said on purpose, I'm sure.

Fred glanced at me with a bit of shock but quickly covered it up. It was as if he didn't see me sitting there before.

"Oh. Right. Wow the Holidays crept up on us, didn't they?" he chuckled but it sounded a bit forced.

"Yeah but I don't think I'll go," I replied because he seemed to be avoiding encouraging or discouraging whether or not I should go.

"No I think you should, shouldn't she Freddie?" Angelina urged again. I gave her a subtle dirty look and she smiled back.

"Yeah sure, the more the merrier, am I right?" he grinned but something about his tone made it seem like he was lying.

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