[17] questions

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Marlee's POV

I usually never got too much mail so when an envelope with my name on it dropped in front of me during breakfast, I was surprised. I slowly ripped it open and recognized my dad's handwriting.

I hope school is going well, your marks are looking brilliant. I will be expecting you and Cho during the Holiday this year. I have a big announcement that I can't wait to tell you both! See you soon!!
                                                     Lots of love,

"Who sent you something Mar?" Aries asked, peering over my shoulder.

I folded up the letter and answered, "Just my dad, reminding me to go home for the holiday."

"I thought you said you were staying here?" Harlow furrowed her brows.

I crossed my arms over my chest and leaned my elbows on the table. "I am, I don't care what he says. I'm not going."

Harlow frowned, "Marlee you have to go."

I rolled my eyes. "He can't make me."

Harlow simply sighed and continued to eat her breakfast. They knew not to mess with me when it came to this subject. We finished breakfast in silence and the school day began.

As the students trickled out of the Great Hall, I heard George call my name and he asked if we could walk to DADA together. I usually walked alone since my class was in a different area of the school than my Slytherin friends, so I agreed.

"Where's Serena?" I asked, realizing that was probably the reason he asked me in the first place.

He scratched the back of his neck and hesitated, "Still feeling a bit sick."

"Oh...sorry to hear." I wasn't really sure why I was apologizing but it seemed to comfort him. I think he was still suspicious about my "hatred" for her.

He responded with a small smile and awkward silence grew between us. Although the wall was gone, there was still some sort of barrier between us. I tried to think of things to talk about but there wasn't anything I could conjure. Thankfully, we ran into Cho and Marietta.

"Oh Mar! Did you get dad's letter?" Cho asked me.

I hesitated then muttered, "Yeah but— "

"You have to come! Don't you wanna hear what the surprise is?" Cho had a hopeful look on her face and I could tell she was genuinely excited to hear what this "announcement" would be.

I sighed and told her the truth, "Not really. You can just tell me when you get back."

Her excited expression faded to a frown. "Well what am I supposed to tell dad when he asks where you are?"

I hadn't actually thought about this. "Hm...tell him I broke both of my legs and I can't walk!" I joked.

Cho rolled her eyes and laughed, "Marlee! Come on be serious!"

I shrugged, "I don't know! Just make something up."

George and Marietta had been quiet this entire time and it reminded me of George's invite to his house for the Holiday. I wasn't sure if he still wanted me to go let alone if he even remembered.

Marietta dragged Cho away, saying they were late for class, and left George and I in our silence once more. Once the door was in sight I let out a breath that I didn't know I'd been holding in. As we sat down, I immediately distracted myself with work so he wouldn't talk to me.

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