[07] sick day

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[ cw: panic/anxiety attack ]

Marlee's POV

George and I lost every game and I fully blamed him. Oliver and Fab seemed to be getting on well as the night went on and same with Lee and Harlow. Roger and Aries were a bit awkward but overall I'd say my lightbulb was a success.

I met so many new people that I'd gone to school with for the past five years. They were all surprisingly nice but part of that might have been the alcohol.

I lost track of everyone I arrived with until I felt a tug on my arm. It was a very drunk George who was now wearing his Gryffindor robe like a cape.

"Hey let's get out of here," he slurred his words. Having a few drinks in myself, I agreed.

We left the common room and it was much more quiet. We stumbled through corridors, tripping over each other. We came across the main courtyard and George stopped.

"Snow!" he gasped and ran into the empty courtyard that was covered in a white blanket.

I ran after him, yelling, "George someone's gonna see us and I'm cold!"

"You're lucky I'm wearing a cape!" George cheered then swung his robe over my shoulders. He plopped down in the snow and started making a snow angel.

"It's so early for snow isn't it?" he said, dreamily. "Come join me, Marlin. Join me in the snow."

I rolled my eyes but laid down next to him. The stars reminded me of the night in the Astronomy Tower. Snow was falling onto my face and I could feel my clothes getting more and more wet by the second but I stayed there admiring the beautiful atmosphere. We laid there in silence until we heard a door slam and loud footsteps. We instantly shot up to our feet.

"Shit, shit shit," George whispered.

I ran over to the corner of the courtyard and pressed my back against the wall trying to stay as slim as possible. George followed me and stood pressed up against the other wall. I slapped my forehead with my hand. George clearly was not the smartest, who ever was there would see George bright as day because they were walking in his direction.

i didn't know how to describe it so i hope this helps!—

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i didn't know how to describe it so i hope this helps!

"George, they're going to see you," I whisper-yelled.

He made a dramatic shocked face as his mouth gaped open. "You're right!"

He rolled over to my wall and suddenly our noses were inches apart. His hand was placed above my head on the wall and I completely forgot about the person walking the corridor.

Our breaths were heavy and able to be seen from the cold air. Our eyes stared deeply into each other—I wanted to look away but his gaze was too strong. I never noticed actually how many freckles he had on his face. Snowflakes fell onto his eyelashes and nose, melting at an instant. With each flake, his features soften more and more. I could no longer hear the footsteps, I only heard my heartbeat booming through my chest.

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