[40] battle and betrayal

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Marlee's POV

"Wake her up!"

"No! The Dark Lord says we mustn't hurt her or else she won't trust us. Besides, it's your fault she passed out. She's nearly a baby at Apparating."

"My fault?! You think everything is my fault, Daella. Also, she is of age she's not a child. But we should really change her out of this ugly dress."

"Shhh! I think she's waking up."

My head was pounding and my whole body felt tense. I slowly opened my eyes to see Bellatrix, Veridia and Daella hovering over me. I guess what happened at the wedding wasn't a bad dream after all.

I looked around and we appeared to be in a dark office. I was seated in a chair, surprisingly not tied up. Suddenly, I felt my insides turn and I turned to the side to throw up. Looks like I had been holding in my side effects all night.

"When the Dark Lord gave us this task, I didn't expect us to be babysitting," Veridia scowled.

Bellatrix quickly pushed her out of the way and ordered, "Shut up and clean it." Veridia rolled her eyes but followed Bellatrix's orders. "Hello Marlee," Bellatrix greeted in a friendly voice as she bent down to be at my level.

"Hi...?" I replied, unsure if they were about to hurt me or not.

"I believe we started off on the wrong foot. I'm Daella Greengrass, this is Veridia Greengrass and Bellatrix—"

"Lestrange," Bellatrix interrupted Daella with a glare.

"Where am I? What do you want from me? What happened to the wedding?" I interrogated. Feeling cautious, I pat around the pocket of my dress but it was flat.

Noticing this, Bellatrix said, "Oh looking for your wand? Yeah we've taken care of that, don't worry. I also wouldn't try Apparating out of here, if I were you. Now let's get you out of that horrid color!"

I looked down and had forgotten that I was wearing a bright purple dress and was no shoes. Before I could give my opinion, Bellatrix flicked her wand and my dress turned black and black shoes appeared on my feet. She tapped her chin, feeling unsatisfied and swooshed her wand once more. Now the bottom half of my dress turned into pant legs to form a slick jumpsuit. I looked down at myself then back up at the Death Eaters.

"I look horrible," I said, unenthused.

Bellatrix tilted her head, admiring her work. "I think it looks brilliant," she replied.

"Okay let's get on with it now," Daella muttered, trying to not let me hear but I clearly could.

Bellatrix cleared her throat, "Right. Marlee, care to join us for a meal—"


Bellatrix shot me a forced smile and clenched her hands into fists. Hearing their previous conversation, I could tell that she wanted to hurt me but was refraining from doing so by You-Know-Who's orders.

Veridia stepped up now, "Marlee, would you like a tour of the place?"

"Would you mind telling me where I am then maybe I'll answer?"

"Doesn't she just remind you of Di? I hated how snarky she used to be," Bellatrix groaned.

"Were you close with my mother?" The question slipped out of my mouth.

"Yes! We were, we were!" Veridia exclaimed. "Although, she was never really open to anyone even as a kid so I'm sorry we can't tell you much, especially after she went to Azkaban for killing Fabian and Gideon—"

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