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Marlee's POV

"Why are you asking me?" he furrowed his brows.

"Why are you asking me?" I replied in the same tone.

"You left the match yesterday and you missed dinner and breakfast. Are you feeling sick again?" He sounded genuine. I was surprised that he noticed either of those things and was hoping he wouldn't have seen me at his game.

"Oh...no I'm fine, just a headache," I half-heartedly smiled.

"I saved you some sausages." He pulled out a napkin from his robe and unfolded it to reveal two sausages.

I couldn't help but smile at his kind gesture and I gladly took them from him. "Thanks George, that's really sweet." I broke one in half and popped it in my mouth.

As more people filed into class, multiple greeted me. I'd forgotten about all the friends I made at Angelina's party. I thought they would have forgotten about me once the alcohol left their bodies. It felt weird to be getting this much attention.

When Umbridge stood in front of the class, my hate for her grew even more. Last week, she'd been appointed to the post of Hogwarts High Inquisitor. She had been making proclamations left and right—she even fired Professor Trelawney.

I knew George felt the same as he tensed up at the sight of her with his jaw clenched. She (or Filch) banned all Weasley products—although Fred and George were still selling them—and George went on a whole rant to me about it last week. Angry George was kind of scary, with his large arms from Quidditch, he could definitely knock some teeth out.

After DADA, George and I always walked to our next classes together. He had Transfiguration and I had Charms. I heard my name called from behind me and turned to see Zane running towards us.

"What do you want?" I snarled.

Zane kept his usual smirk on his lips. "You should come to the game this week. You'll see how good Malfoy's getting and that we don't need your blood-trading arse anymore."

I was unbothered by his words, "I'm sorry when was the last time Slytherin won the Quidditch cup?"

"I think it was our second year," George commented, helping me out.

"You're right George and that's when I was playing Seeker wasn't it," I feigned cluelessness.

George smirked at Zane, "Yeah I'm pretty sure it was!"

Zane rolled his eyes, "Whatever, we'll win this year. Just you wait, you bitch."

"Zane, I don't mean this in the nicest way possible but stop talking to me. If you're just gonna say mildly mean things to me then I don't care. What are you, four?" George laughed under his breath at my irritation with Zane.

"What are you laughing at Weasley? Need I remind you that we're playing Gryffindor." Zane walked up to George so they were face to face. But 6'3 George towered over 5'10 Zane, making me giggle at how lame Zane looked.

"So I guess I'll see you on the field then," George replied, unphased by Zane's attempt to be tough. Zane let out a huff and walked past us, leaving George and I to chuckle.

"Why do you still talk to that guy?" George asked.

I shrugged my shoulders, "Well correction, he talks to me. Plus, other than him shouting insults at me, he actually gives me the homework when I ask him."

George got a kick out of this, "You keep him around so he can give you homework answers?" I nodded my head. "That's like the most Slytherin trait you have!" George exclaimed.

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