[43] together

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Marlee's POV

The rest of the week felt like deja vu except this time people weren't bombarding us with questions. I was really worried that something would happen again and ruin everything but by the time Saturday came around, it was all looking just dandy.

After dinner, I changed into a pair of lavender corduroy pants and a white lace trimmed top. I put on some accessories and thought about curling my hair until Aries noticed that I was getting ready.

"Why are you getting ready right now?" she questioned.

"Just bored...I think I'll go for a walk just to get some fresh air," I replied.

I saw her give Harlow a suspicious look as she said, "Okay be safe and if you see Zane, run."

After I came back from talking with George earlier in the week, I told them that we both agreed to take some time to ourselves as we were still recovering from our encounter with the Death Eaters. They didn't ask many questions but I could tell they had their suspicions.

There was a knock at the door and my heart skipped a beat. I calmly walked over to open it just a bit so my roommates wouldn't be able to see. George's face lit up when he saw me and I quickly slipped out of the room, closing the door behind me.

"I didn't think it was possible for you to be more beautiful than you already were," he sighed as he looked me up and down.

I examined his appearance as he was wearing grey trousers with an olive button up on top of an auburn turtleneck. His hair was messy as usual but he knew how much I liked it.

"You look handsome as well," I teased and brushed a couple of his flaming hairs to the side.

He blushed as he rolled his eyes. "Are you ready to go then?" He held out his hand for me to take.

"Absolutely," I answered and took his hand.

He hadn't told me anything of what he had planned so I had no idea what to expect. Once our hands linked, he Apparated to the Quidditch pitch.

"What are we doing here?" I asked, looking around to see if there was a clue of some sort.

"Just wait," he spoke and stuck out his hand randomly. I tilted my head in confusion until his broomstick came from nowhere and was in his grasp. "I want to take you for a ride," he smirked.

I smiled, eagerly, loving the idea. He held out his broomstick for me to hop on and once I did so, I felt him hop on behind me. I was quite thankful that I didn't choose to wear a skirt. I felt his large hands come to my hips before they slithered in front of me as he held a firm grip on the stick.

"Hang on tight," he said. I grasped onto the wooded part with both of my hands, behind his. He angled the broomstick upwards and we were off.

He took me on a tour around Hogwarts as if I didn't know the place already. The sun was setting above the horizon when George brought us over to the Black Lake.

"George!" I squealed as we were barely grazing the water. I felt him wrap one of his arms around my middle as he held me closer to him.

"I've got you, don't worry," he assured me.

I attempted to relax myself and was able to admire the beautiful hues of pink and orange in the sky. The light from the sun that was still projecting, left sparkles on the water. I leaned my head back against his chest as the wind blew against my skin. He kissed the top of my head and in the water I could see the glowing Grindylows swimming in a pack together. The view was absolutely breathtaking.

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