[03] confrontations

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George's POV

After Marlee and I got kicked out of the library, we went to the Astronomy Tower after I suggested it. I felt bad because she had to lug all of her books up there so I offered to carry them for her but she refused. Feisty one she is. Like when she turned down my offer to sit next to her in Potions, I watch her in that class and she doesn't bother talking to the Slytherins at her table so why wouldn't she want to sit by me?

The stars were clear in the sky that night and Marlee was in awe of the sparkling dots. We talked for almost an hour before she insisted on getting to her dormitory before curfew. She's a bit of a goody two shoes for a Slytherin.

When we got to the hallway that would split to the Slytherin Dungeon and Gryffindor Tower, I kept walking her way.

"Where are you going?" she asked in a harsh tone.

"I'm walking you to your common room," I replied with a bit of joking annoyance in my voice.

"What? You don't have to, I'm fully able to walk myself you know," she sassed. She was usually sassy like this but I didn't mind. It was a break from all the other girls at Hogwarts that just say things to please you.

"Too bad. You get to be stuck with me for a couple more minutes, Slytherin." I ruffled her hair and she squirmed but didn't protest so I skipped along next to her.

We approached the Slytherin Dungeon and everything was dark and depressing. She stopped at the sleek black door to her common room and froze. She looked at me hesitantly. "Cover your ears," she ordered.

"What?" I scoffed, thinking that she was joking.

"Cover. Your. Ears." she repeated.

I reluctantly put my hands over my ears while rolling my eyes and heard her muffled voice say the password. The door opened and a group of girls sitting on a couch looked over at us. The common room was even more depressing that the rest of what I'd seen. All of the walls were black and the lighting was not comforting at all. The girls waved to Marlee as she walked in.

"Not going to say bye?" I teased and threw up my hands.

She spun around and said in a sing-songy voice, "Goodnight George."

I smiled at her as the door closed and heard giggles followed by her high voice, "What?"

I went back to the Gryffindor tower without getting caught luckily and as I walked into the common room, I saw the whole gang sitting around the fireplace.

"Where the bloody hell have you been?" Ron asked as I sat down next to my sister.

"Out...and about." I took a Licorice Wand from the three Ron was holding and he pulled away, glaring at me.

"Funny 'cause Marlee was looking for you in the library and that's when you both disappeared," Fred raised his eyebrows at me.

"Marlee? Marlee who?" questioned Ginny.

I held up my finger as I chewed the wand and Angelina got impatient then answered the question for me, "Marlee Chang."

"Chang?" Harry shot his head up from the book he was reading.

"Cho Chang's sister? The Slytherin?" Hermione confirmed.

"Blimey," Ron muttered with his eyes wide. Everyone was looking at me now, although I didn't know why.

"I knew I recognized her, she's Cho's sister!" Fred snapped his fingers at his great discovery.

"Freddie, she's been in our year since forever," Angelina told her dimwitted boyfriend.

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