[13] the beginning of different

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Marlee's POV

I was happy for George, really. The only reason it bothered me was because his girlfriend happened to be the one girl I hated here at Hogwarts. But of course it's not like I could tell George this. I waited days for him to bring her up but he never did. So one day when we ran into each other and took a stroll around the school, I decided to bring it up.

"So how are things with Serena," I prompted.

He turned slightly pink before replying, "I was seeing how long it would take for you to bring that up."

"Well I didn't want to pry!" I claimed and pushed his arm, lightly.

He chuckled then went silent. "No, things are good." There was something about his tone that seemed off. "It's just sometimes I don't know...I can't believe I'm actually dating her. Like Serena Hopkins."

I bit my cheek hard in an attempt to calm the anger that was building inside of me. Anytime someone said how amazing Serena was, I wanted to go off on them but I always held myself back.

"I think she feels the same about you," I managed to pull that one out of my ass.

He laughed, "You mean Fred."

I furrowed my brows, confused. "How do you mean?"

He shoved his hands in his pockets, trying to think of an explanation. "Like...the way boys see Serena is how girls see Fred. Not me."

I chuckled slightly, "George, you're identical twins. If people find Fred attractive I'm sure they find you attractive as well."

"Okay so do you find Fred attractive?" George said abruptly.

I stopped in my tracks, "What—no. I mean he's not ugly but...I don't fancy his looks." I began to be flustered.

"Do you fancy my looks?" George smirked.

My thoughts swirled around my head. "George, what kind of a question is that?"

He shrugged his shoulders. "It's to see if your theory is right!" he exclaimed. "So?"

"Well...I don't know, I don't think of you in that way! Why would you even ask me that? What would you say if I asked you that, hm?" I started walking again and he followed.

"I'd say...yes?" He squinted his eyes, unsure if he thought he answered that correctly.

"'Yes?' Now that's comforting," I rolled my eyes sarcastically.

"No, no, no. I didn't mean it like that—you're beautiful Marlee, but it's not like...it's not like I, you know..." his voice trailed off but I knew what he meant because I felt the same way about him.

"I get what you mean," I simply replied and we moved on from the topic. Clearly, Serena hadn't told him about our past and I was hoping it would stay that way.

Then, a couple of first years ran down the corridor holding a bunch of flowers in their hands.

"Fuck!" George exclaimed suddenly. I heard one of them gasp.

"George," I whispered sternly and pointed my head to the little girls.

His eyes widened. "Oh shit sorry—I mean crap sorry!"

I slapped my forehead and apologized to the girls then told them to carry on and pretend like they didn't hear anything. I shook my head at him as I laughed.

"Sorry, I just forgot that I told Serena I'd meet her in the Greenhouse, so I gotta go but I'll see you in class." And with that, he ran down the corridor.

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