[02] making a scene

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Marlee's POV

George and I also had Potions together but he sat with all of his Gryffindor friends which consisted of Fred, Oliver Wood, Katie Bell and Alicia Spinnet. I didn't know how Gryffindors always scored classes together, probably Dumblebore. I only had Herbology with Aries and would have to wait for lunch to see Harlow and Fabienne.

I was finishing up some work for my Transfiguration class when I sensed someone's presence. I looked up and sure enough a newly familiar redhead was in front of me.

"Lonely are you?" George said, sitting down next to me.

"I don't have many classes with my friends this year. Or last year. Or the year before. Or the year before that—you wouldn't understand." I shook my head and went back to my work.

"Want to come sit with us?" George pointed over to his friends in burgundy robes, who were laughing at a joke most likely made by Fred.

"Your table is full," I replied in a harsh tone. I didn't mean for it to come out so rude but he didn't seem to be affected by it. I honestly did not want to sit with them, though. They hadn't tried talking to me for the past five years, why would they be interested now?

George shrugged, "I can sit here then."

My eyes jumped out of my face. "No that's okay. Go back to your table." I playfully pushed him away and glanced at the other Slytherins at my table to see if they were paying attention to us. They weren't.

"Suit yourself," he said and walked back to his seat as if he never left in the first place, cracking a joke along with Fred which sent their table into loud laughter again.

George and I weren't even really that close but I assumed that he was just a nice bloke and saw that I was sitting alone. I started to feel bad about turning his kind offer down but then again, I barely knew the kid.

However, as the days went on, George and I talked almost everyday in class, trying our best to not get in trouble of course. Sometimes he'd give me a nod in the corridors or a smile during breakfast too. To be honest, I didn't think we'd get along this well. I just thought he was a prankster Gryffindor—I never imagined even a friendship between us.

I was in the library checking out some books when I spotted the back of a certain lanky redhead a few rows down. I tiptoed over only to realize it was just Fred talking with Angelina.

I was about to sneak away when Angelina spotted me and said, "Oi hello Marlee." Fred spun his head around and I awkwardly waved.

"Looking for George?" Angelina smirked and I was taken aback. I didn't know what to say, how did she know George and I were sort of friends? I glanced at Fred and he looked almost as confused as me.

Angelina read my confusion and said, "I see you guys talking all the time in class."

"What?" Fred exclaimed. "What are you on about?"

Angelina gave him a look of disbelief. "Oh c'mon you didn't notice?"

"No," Fred replied but quickly shook off this new information and waved his hand, "well he's around somewhere."

"Thanks," I said, embarrassed and I scurried away. I didn't know people paid attention to me. Especially people like Angelina. We used to talk back when we were younger but I thought she'd forgotten who I was.

I found George a couple rows down, stacking books on top of one another and he saw me right as I saw him.

"Hi," we said in unison.

"Bookworm are you?" he teased, glancing down at the books in my hands.

I pointed my head at the books in his hand, "Says you."

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