[33] the pranksters

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Marlee's POV

"You really think this is gonna work?" I whispered to Angelina as we peered into the common room.

"As long as you get George to chew that some way. They're pranksters so they're not just going to do anything you tell them to. I'm going to try kissing Fred but considering you probably don't want to do that with George, offer him some candy. He never says no to candy," informed Angelina.

I quickly nodded, tapping my wand at our creation and it turned into two pieces of candy wrapped in a shiny red wrapper. We hurried down the stairs and Angelina approached her boyfriend while I sat next to George on the couch.

"Candy?" I offered him, holding one out in my hand. He took it without hesitation and I popped the other one in my mouth so he wouldn't get suspicious but I still made sure that I didn't chew on it.

"Angie! What the fuck was that, t-h-a-t?" we heard Fred yell and spell as Angelina giggled in front of him.

"Wait a minute," George spoke, examining the candy in his hand.

I widened my eyes and quickly grabbed his face to pull him in for a kiss before he could think any further. I immediately shoved my tongue into his mouth, transferring the candy and felt him kissing me back for a moment.

Although the candy was already in his mouth, I didn't want to remove my lips from his just yet. I teasingly traced my finger down his sharp jawline and when I finally pulled away, I pushed his chin up so his teeth would break the candy. He immediately spit it out but it was too late.

"Hey, that's not fair, f-a-i-r!" George exclaimed and shot up from his seat while I stifled a laugh.

"Georgie, look at what they did to us, this is your fault, f-a-u-l-t!" Fred groaned and walked over to us while Angelina trailed behind.

"My fault?! How is this my bloody fault? If anything it was probably your girlfriend's idea, i-d-e-a." George scoffed and narrowed his eyes at his brother.

Fred slightly shoved his brother as he shot back, "It was probably your girlfriend's idea, i-d-e-a."

"Shove off, o-f-f," George muttered as he shoved his brother back.

"Damnit, we sound like bloody Ravenclaws, r-a-v-e-n-c-l-a-w-s," Fred scowled as he crossed his arms.

"Hold up," Angelina interrupted. "Are we not gonna talk about how Marlee and George literally just made out on the couch right now?" I pursed my lips as I hoped nobody would have brought that up.

"Well it's not like they haven't before, b-e-f-o-r-e," Fred hissed and went back to the topic at hand, "so whose brilliant idea was it to prank the biggest pranksters at Hogwarts, h-o-g-w-a-r-t-s."

The two tall redheads started walking towards Ang and I, intimidatingly and I looked at her through the corner of my eye as we telepathically shared the thought to run away.

We sprinted out through the portrait, laughing to ourselves and heard George yell, "You can run, r-u-n."

"But you can't hide, h-i-d-e!" Fred added.

And they were right. Starting a prank war with the Weasley twins was the worst mistake we could've made.

The next day I was getting ready and immediately fell on my butt after putting my shoes on. I knew exactly who was behind this and shouldn't have suspected anything less. I had brought this upon myself, after all.

I tried on all of my pairs of shoes just in case they forgot one but of course they didn't. Then that's when it hit me. Who said I had to wear shoes? I'd probably get detention but who cares, I wouldn't be falling on my arse every five seconds.

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