[27] two-faced

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Marlee's POV

The next morning I woke up and my three friends were still sound asleep. I yawned and slowly rolled over to check the clock. We all had class in approximately 10 minutes.

"Shit! Guys we overslept," I yelled and immediately got out of bed. I threw all of their blankets off of them and shook them awake. They groaned and rubbed their eyes, not wanting to get up yet. I assumed they were up late last night doing homework.

I may not be a morning person but I didn't like being late. However, I didn't mind the idea of skipping my first class seeing that I sit by you know who. But Umbridge would have hunted me down eventually so I thought it was better to play it safe.

I quickly hurried to DADA, not even caring to get breakfast. When I walked in, the class was almost full but I noticed a couple missing Gryffindors including the one I was dreading to see.

There was a small napkin placed on my desk and I unfolded it to reveal two sausages. George. Even in our worst arguments he still found some way to look out for me. Probably why he was a bloody Gryffindor because I never would have done something like this for him, especially if I was this mad at him.

George, Fred or Lee didn't show up for class. They skipped quite often but never DADA because they knew they'd land themselves a detention with Umbridge.

After class, Serena was waiting for him outside the door. I didn't care to tell her that George wasn't in class and I kept on walking. I saw Cho down the corridor and decided to confirm what Serena told me the day before.

"Cho!" I called and she stopped walking. "So you know that surprise Dad said he had?" She nodded slowly and bit her lip. "It's funny, Serena told me that he proposed to Nora?"

Cho gave me a weak smile, "I'm sorry Marlee...I didn't want to upset you so I didn't tell you right away but...he did."

"Oh," I felt my face fall. I spent all night denying it but now that it was indeed true, I didn't know how to react.

"I'm sorry Marlee, I really am. But Dad is happy, you see that don't you. I know Mum really meant a lot to you and still does but please just try to be happy for him," my sister spoke softly to me and I responded with a smile and a nod that would persuade her and myself for now. She gave me a hug and went off to her next class, leaving me in shock.

Well that's just brilliant.

Later in Potions, he and Fred arrived ten minutes late to class. They walked in casually, pretending like they weren't late, but it of course did not miss Snape's eye.

"Weasleys you are late, 10 points from Gryffindor," Snape demanded.

The two sat in their seats, nonchalantly. "We've been here the whole time Professor," George joked.

"Yeah if anything, it's bloody rude that you didn't even notice us," added Fred.

"Zip it or I will be taking 50 points away from your house...each," Snape said sternly and returned back to the lesson.

This quieted them down and I saw Fred mouth "fifty?!" as he pretended to take notes. The rest of class I'd glance at George every so often. He was always writing something or playing with his rings and never once looked up. He looked different today...tired almost.

The next few days went like that. I caught myself staring at him double the amount I used to just to see if he'd look at me, but he never did. I didn't even get a chance to talk to Angelina or everyone else because we were all so busy with homework.

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