[29] the inquisitorial squad

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Marlee's POV

I woke up the next morning bright and early for my Apparition course. Now that I was 17, I was able to get my license right when the course was over. We only had a couple more lessons left to take.

Sixth and seventh year's trailed into the Great Hall on this bright and early Saturday morning and as Twycross practically bored us back to sleep, students were whispering about Fred and George's birthday party which was coming up in a couple of weeks. One could bet that this party was going to be absolutely wicked because everything associated with the two of them was. I contemplated on whether I should go or not. Some part of me still wanted to see the good in George, but I realized that in the end all people really only cared about themselves.

The week went on and it was nice to see him apart from Serena for once. In class, D.A., meals and just in general. Even though he didn't walk with her after class, he still didn't walk with me. This only confused me further on what his intentions were with me at the start of this year.

The distance between us grew and I could sense my feelings for him, disappearing. It was weird how fast they were going away. I guess all I needed was time and space. Maybe I actually never liked him and just got confused because of what Aries said. Who knew, but at least now it was a problem I didn't have to worry about.

It was in D.A. when the party was mentioned once more, making me a bit anxious about my decision on what to do with it. I was standing with Alicia and Katie as we watched others practice the Shield Charm.

"You wouldn't believe how many people, even people who work at the Ministry, can't do a decent Shield Charm." I heard George say to his mates.

Katie scoffed then whispered under her breath, "Yeah like he can do a decent one." Alicia and I both chuckled but to our surprise George went right on and performed a perfect one.

"Speaking of a Weasley, have you gotten them or have you considered getting them a present for their birthday?" Alicia asked me as the three of us kept our gaze on the twins.

I bit my lip and turned to look at her. "Erm...not yet, why?"

"We're getting them this huge present but it's gonna take a bit of people, so if you wanted to pitch in just a couple of galleons then you won't have to worry about getting them anything," she explained in a hushed tone as Harry went on to say something about how all of the greatest wizards started out as students like us.

I nodded my head without thinking. "Sure, I can do that."

"Great!" she beamed and let me know how much the cost was. I told her I'd get the money to her as soon as possible.

Harry dismissed the group and Cho came over to talk to me. She held parchment in her hand and had a look on her face that I couldn't quite read.

"Did Dad send you a letter?" she questioned. I shook my head no and she opened the letter in her hand to summarize what he said. "Him and Nora got into a dispute and broke off the engagement so he doesn't want us going back for Easter."

"Yessss," I immediately replied and quickly covered my mouth when I saw how disappointed she looked. "Sorry," I mumbled and rubbed her shoulder.

"I just feel bad for Dad, imagine how sad he must be—we should spend Easter with him."

"What! No way," I shook my head furiously. "You can go but I most certainly will not be coming with."


"No. I'm not going and I don't think you should either. If Dad doesn't want us to go, then don't go," I objected and she backed down at my stern tone.

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