[18] cinnamon and musk

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Marlee's POV

I woke up the next day with a pounding headache as if last night's worries had filled my brain to the max. I slowly got ready for the day while Fabienne blasted some Muggle music.

I kept my head down at breakfast and only laughed on cue in our conversation. I didn't know how I would feel when I'd see George. Yesterday, he was George, the George I was slightly mad at but loved to tease and bicker with. Today, he was George, the George I might have feelings for.

I tapped my forehead with my textbook over and over again, anxiously waiting for his arrival. To my surprise someone did sit next to me but it wasn't George, it was Angelina.

"Are you okay, Marlee?" she asked, putting an arm on my shoulder.

I turned to her and smiled as best I could. "Brilliant!" I replied, sarcastically.

"Lee said you were acting kind of weird yesterday." I glanced over at the empty boy's spot. This meant my name had come up in their group conversation in the past 24 hours.

Before I could respond a loud commotion came from the doorway. Fred, George and Lee burst in laughing loudly. They quickly straightened up and cleared their throats when they realized everyone was staring at them.

They each made their way to their seats and George didn't have to look twice before taking Angelina's seat next to Terry Boot.

"Looks like I'll be sitting here for today," Angelina whispered and we both giggled.

However, it wasn't long before Umbridge noticed this. "Miss Johnson, why are you sitting here?" she questioned as she walked down the rows.

"Oh well...I...erm..." Angelina couldn't think of a reasonable answer or at least reasonable enough for Umbridge.

But George immediately stood up. "It was my fault Professor, I'm sorry. I needed to talk to Boot about something and Angelina had to take my spot."

"Oh," Umbridge processed, "and you let this happen?" She looked at Terry then at me.

"No, no. Professor, it wasn't any of their faults, it was just mine," George continued to lie for us. I should have known he was gonna pull something like this. He always stood up for his friends even if it meant him taking the blame. He often took the blame for him and Fred.

Shit—no! These are platonic thoughts it's not like I'm admiring him...

"George you really don't have to— " Angelina began but Umbridge cut her off.

"Nonsense! All four of you will have detention after school. It is expected that you come to class and sit in your assigned seat—no excuses."

"Me too?!" Terry exclaimed.

But George wasn't ready to give up, "Professor please, just give me the detention."

Umbridge's face lit up and she smirked. "Have you finally understood that you know you deserve to be punished?"

I saw George swallow slowly, not moving a muscle. "No detention for you Mr. Weasley. You're finally using those ears of yours it seems. As for the three of you, I will be seeing you after school." She walked to the front of the classroom confidently.


"Sit down Mr. Weasley," Umbridge demanded. George sat down and looked at Ang and I apologetically but I quickly looked away to avoid further eye contact.

"As you all just witnessed, following the rules comes with great benefits. Maybe you will all learn to listen someday," Umbridge smirked and continued with the lesson.

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