[30] april fools

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Marlee's POV

"Make it a powerful memory, the happiest you can remember. Allow it to fill you up," Harry instructed the group. "Keep trying, Seamus. George, your turn now."

We were learning how to produce a Patronus Charm in D.A. I stood on the right side of the room with Ginny and Angelina by my sides. We watched as everyone attempted theirs.

"Expecto Patronum." George flicked his wand and blue whisps came from the end of his wand, forming the shape of a magpie. Fred, Lee and Oliver watched in amazement behind him, trying it on their own.

"A full-bodied Patronus is the most difficult to produce...but shield forms can also be equally useful against a variety of opponents," Harry informed. "Fantastic, Ginny!" I saw Ginny hide a smile as her cheeks turned red.

"Just remember, your Patronus can only protect you for as long as you stay focused. Think of the happiest thing you can!"

I turned my focus away from the others and closed my eyes to think of a happy memory. I took a deep breath and imagined the time Mum and I laid on the roof, looking at the stars. It was my eighth birthday and I couldn't sleep, so she took me there to stargaze. I remembered her smile and the way her long hair sprawled on the roof hips. I was wearing a purple jumper with stripes and my favorite pair of plaid pajama pants. She held my hand in hers and told me stories about each star. I woke up the next morning and she had carried me back to my bed after I'd fallen asleep.

"Expecto Patronum," I whispered and moved my wand in a circular motion. In a blink, my patronus slithered around the room. A grass snake.

"Nice, Marlee! This is really advanced stuff, guys. You're doing so well," Harry encouraged.

Everyone's Patronuses filled the room. Hermione's otter, Luna's hare, Ginny's horse and Ron's jack russell terrier that ran straight into Neville, causing him to fall on his bum. The room was filled with delight as we watched our Patronuses dance around. I followed my snake which somehow found its way around someone's feet then a magpie flew by and the two slowly disappeared.

I looked to see who the feet belonged to and it was none other than George Weasley. He looked around the room, confused, but before he could have time to process what happened, a squeaky voice shouted from the front of the room.

"Mr. Harry Potter! Mr. Harry Potter!" A small house elf with huge round eyes, waved his arms frantically as the fifth year trio made its way over.

"What is it, Dobby?" Harry asked, squatting down to be at his eye level. Hermione and Ron exchanged serious glances as Dobby hesitated to answer.

The lights in the room flickered and rubbish fell from the ceilings. There was a small shake of the room, almost like an earthquake had hit.

"Dobby had to warn Mr. Harry Potter. Dobby could not let Mr. Harry Potter get in trouble. She's coming..." was all Dobby replied with.

"Who's coming Dobby? Umbridge?" Ron guessed.

Dobby nodded his head frenziedly, "Yes Mr. Weasley!"

Another small earthquake hit and exclamations of worry and fear came from the group. Harry instructed everyone to run and get away as fast as possible. The swarm of students squeezed out of the doorway, tripping over one another. Ginny took my hand and we followed the other girls all the way to Gryffindor Tower.

I didn't look back once, I didn't even look to see who was around. If any Slytherin found out that I was a part of Dumbledore's Army, I'd be disowned.

We collapsed in the Gryffindor common room, out of breath and panting hard. A good amount of younger students from D.A. had arrived with us.

"Let's give everyone some Lying Licorice in case Umbridge questions us," Angelina nodded her head towards the boys' stairs.

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