[21] slap and bang

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Marlee's POV

We spent the rest of the afternoon decorating the house as Hermione ordered so. We told the others about the girls we met and the festival.

"That sounds like fun," exclaimed Angelina.

"Yeah, we'll have to ask Mum when they get back. Where are they anyway? It's been far too long." Ginny noticed the time had significantly passed since they left this morning.

The sun was now setting and the house grew darker than it already was. We turned on the Christmas lights and it looked like an entirely different house, bright and lively. Everyone plopped down on the couches in the living room.

"I wish we were back at the Burrow so we could watch a movie. Bloody elitists," Ron muttered, stretching his legs out on the couch. I assumed the Black family was not fond of Muggle objects like the Weasley's were.

"We could play Wizard's Chess," Harry suggested.

Hermione scoffed, "That's a two person game, how do you suppose we play?" Harry shrugged and sat on the floor, leaning his back on the couch.

A risky idea popped into my head but I decided to give it a go anyway, "What if we play truth or dare?"

Murmurs of excitement spread through the room and I felt relieved that they liked the idea. Ginny was so excited, she assumed her position to go first.

"Marlee," she gave me a sneaky look, "truth or dare."

The look on her face made me know she was up to no good so either way I was dead meat. "Dare," I replied, half a question, half a statement.

"I dare you to slap George," she clapped her hands together and my eyes widened.

That is not what I was expecting.

"Hold on, wait just a minute," George began, "that is not fair. I did not sign up for that!"

"Too bad," Ginny sang.

I had no idea what to think. It might feel good to slap him but I knew I would feel terrible afterwards.

"Marlee, c'mon you're not gonna do that to me, right? We're friends," George pleaded.

Unfortunately for him, his words only convinced me to do it. I stood up and walked across the room towards where he was sitting. Cheers erupted from the group and George backed away.

I placed my hand lightly on his cheek, getting prepared. "Fine...just be gentle please," he begged once more.

"It won't hurt I promise," I smiled innocently.

I heard Ron whimper, "Ginny please don't make anyone slap me...especially Hermione."

Fred and Angelina felt quite the opposite as they were chanting, "Slap him! Slap him! Slap him!"

Just as I worked up the courage and anger to do it, a loud noise came from the fireplace.

"Oh thank god," George mumbled and let out a breath. Several adults then emerged from the fireplace and everyone ran to greet each other.

Before George could run away I pulled him down by his neck so I could whisper in his ear, "Don't think you've gotten out of this."

I let go and stared deep into his eyes. Something about this amused me of how he was scared of me. I saw his Adam's apple bob as he took a huge gulp.

Everyone in the room crowded around Mr. Weasley and his children greeted him with hugs and kisses. He looked quite beat up to be honest and that led me to wonder what exactly happened.

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