[39] family secrets

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Marlee's POV

Even though it was late in the night, Dad was still up to make sure we arrived safely. His light was on when we approached our little navy house in the middle of nowhere and I heard him come to open the door.

"My beautiful daughters," he greeted us with a big group hug. "I've missed you."

"We've missed you too, Dad," said Cho. As we pulled away, I smiled as best I could. He narrowed his eyes towards me and I'd forgotten that I was actually in trouble for going to the Weasley's for Christmas.

"Is that-is that Firewhisky?" he asked and sucked in sharply through his nose.

"No! We were just having a bonfire with our friends," Cho quickly made up and I nodded my head, going along with it.

He gave us suspicious looks then said, "Alright...well go on into your rooms now. We have a big day tomorrow."

We stepped inside and the smell of my home came spilling into my nostrils. I didn't know if I was happy or sad about it. Dad didn't say anything about Nora and I didn't see her anywhere but I didn't want to ask so I quickly walked up the stairs with Cho. As I entered my room, everything sat untouched from when I left. I changed into my pajamas and got ready for bed. While I was brushing my teeth Cho came in.

"Do you think he'll explain what happened?" she asked in a hushed tone.

I spit out my toothpaste. "I don't know but if he doesn't bring it up then I assume that he doesn't want to talk about it," I replied. I wanted to know what the hell happened too but also didn't want anything to remind Dad of what I did during the Holiday.

Cho and I split ways, saying goodnight to one another and I peeled the covers off of my bed to climb in. As I laid there, I felt a feeling of emptiness take over me. I didn't want to do anything, I just wanted to lay in bed by myself forever. That would lessen the possibilities of getting hurt—of surprises.

But through all of my pain, George still stayed on my mind. How stupid was I to feel heartbroken by someone I didn't even date. It was even worse that the only one I wanted comfort from was him.

But he hurt me, didn't he? How could he kiss someone else if he truly had feelings for me? Even if he still liked her, I didn't want to be a second choice, I knew my worth. But why would he do something like this to me? Why would he put in all of the effort to lead me on for a week just to go back to her? Something didn't make sense just like the licorice night but I just couldn't figure out what it was.

These thoughts troubled me as I drifted off to sleep.

I was woken up by the sunlight beaming through my window. I heard birds chirping outside and my dad and sister making breakfast downstairs. The smell of pancakes filled my nose but I groaned and turned over to my stomach, not wanting to get up yet.

I heard some noises outside and sat up to see what they were. In my backyard was a bunch of people setting up tables and chairs for the wedding. Most witches and wizards had their weddings at home.

I saw Nora ordering people around and my father came out the back door. He greeted her with a kiss and they looked happier than I'd ever seen them before. I didn't want to ruin that for them so I decided to take my sister's advice and be as cheerful as I could despite yesterday's events.

After getting ready for my day, I went down for breakfast. Cho already set out a plate for me with a nice big pancake on it. I mumbled a thanks and poured some syrup on it. Cho was cleaning up and we sat there in silence for a couple of seconds.

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