[05] a nice guy

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George's POV

Fred and I usually went crazy at parties but since he'd been with Angelina, I normally got left alone. Sometimes Lee was with me but he's a total lightweight and ends up passing out within the first couple of hours. Then Oliver runs off with some girl that he won't speak to ever again, so I often find myself with nobody to hangout with.

However, last night I spent most of my time with Serena Hopkins, a gorgeous girl whom I've fancied for years. Almost every boy in our year has but she always went for older boys so she sort of became like a fantasy once we realized we had no chance. She said she really liked mine and Fred's Puking Pastilles so I told her I could get her some once we got more supplies and she said she'd really like that, which meant I get to talk to Serena Hopkins for a second time.

Take that Fred. I guess he didn't really care anymore now that he's got Angie but it was still a victory for me.

Before Angelina, Fred loved flirting with every girl he saw. He dragged me into it sometimes but I wasn't as good as him I guess. I have only dated Katie Bell for a brief period during our 4th year but that didn't really end well so I haven't been in a relationship since.

Although, I have to be honest, girls ask me out occasionally but I turn them down because I'm not really interested. I haven't found the girl yet. Plus, it stopped being a priority of mine after Katie.

Serena left right around the time when most people were leaving. I had nowhere to go because Fred and Angelina were having sex in our dorm and I definitely did not want to associate with that so I just sat in a corner as my eyelids became heavier and heavier until Marlee came over.

I briefly talked to her earlier but she was with her Slytherin friends for most of the party. Her green flannel that she was wearing then was gone now, leaving her in a white tank top and black jeans. I had never seen this much skin on her so I took notice of her pronounced collar bones and tiny arms. We talked for a bit but my headache and drowsiness prevented me from responding in full sentences and eventually we both fell asleep.

I woke up in the middle of the night and saw that everyone had left except for others sleeping on the floor like us. My legs had fallen asleep and I looked down to see Marlee sleeping in my lap. I wanted to move my legs so badly but she looked so peaceful as her chest went up and down with her breathing patterns. I forced myself to go back to sleep ignoring the pain in my legs.

I went back to my dorm the next morning, thankful that it was unlocked so I wouldn't have to see the aftermath of Fred and Angelina. Fred, Lee and Oliver looked at me as I opened the door.

"Where have you been mate?" Lee smirked.

"I could ask you the same," I teased back while throwing off my clothes to change into new ones.

"Well since Freddie over here decided to take the room," Fred grinned at Lee's comment, "I had to go to Alicia Spinnet's room." Lee sounded almost annoyed.

I furrowed my brows. "And what's wrong with Alicia?" I asked.

"She's just..."

"Alicia." Oliver and Fred said in unison.

"Yeah, don't get me wrong she's beautiful, amazing Quidditch player and I love her but Merlin does that girl not speak," Lee explained.

I shrugged, "She's just shy. Katie says she's really talkative once you get to know her." I knew all three of them had a taste for outgoing girls but they just didn't understand that some people took awhile to warm up. I guess they wouldn't know since they were all very outgoing themselves.

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