[04] first of many

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Marlee's POV

At breakfast on Friday, there was talk amongst the students of a party in the Room of Requirement. That's where most parties were held, except for house ones. I'm sure all the professors knew about the parties we had but never said anything.

"Do you guys want to go?" asked Harlow.

"I don't know," Aries hesitated, keeping her eyes on her food.

I looked around at all of the students talking about it and decided, "We should go. It'll be fun."

"Alright..." Aries gave in. "Just don't get too drunk. I'm looking at you Fab."

Fabienne put a hand on her chest and pretended to look offended, "Me?!"

As innocent as she looked and acted, Fabienne was pretty wild. Her whole blonde hair, blue eyes and "please" and "thank you" was all just an act. I'd say she was the craziest out of us all.

So after the minimal effort it took to convince my friends to go, we went through our school day, did homework and ate dinner before it was time to go to the party.

When we arrived at the party, a good amount of people were already there. Many were dancing in the mosh pit and others were in corners, making out. Everywhere people had cups in their hands filled with alcohol. I wouldn't be surprised if Fred and George supplied that. Fabienne somehow escaped and grabbed us all drinks right away.

"To the first of many parties this year!" she cheered to which Aries rolled her eyes. We threw up our cups and drank, the stingy taste prolonging as it went down my throat. I shook my head at its nastiness. I'd never been a fan of the taste which is why I normally didn't drink too much at parties.

"Alright can we go now?" Aries pleaded after taking one small sip.

"Don't be a party pooper!" Fabienne exclaimed and threw her arm around Aries' sagged shoulders. I chuckled at her "glum" demeanor when I saw all of their eyes adjust to something behind me.

"Boo!" Someone grabbed my waist and I jumped slightly.

I turned to see a drunk George with a half empty bottle in his right hand. His hair was all messed up, going in different directions and his shirt was unbuttoned, exposing a white tank and a tiny golden chain that I'd never noticed him wearing before.

"Merlin George, are you drunk already?" I asked him, only partially concerned.

"I've been here for hours darling, I didn't know you were into parties." I smiled as his words meshed into one another.

He brought the bottle up to his mouth and I snatched it out of his hand. "Hey I think that's all for you tonight," I said. He pouted and I drank some right in front of him just to spite him.

"Well that's not fair!" he whined like a baby.

I giggled, "Go to bed George." He almost tripped over his feet as I playfully pushed his shoulder.

"You will not have a happy table mate on Monday, Slytherin," he yelled as he walked away.

I rolled my eyes then turned back to my friends who were all staring at me. "What?" I said.

"I didn't know you and George were so close," Aries smirked and took a drink from her cup but immediately spit it back out.

"Yeah, you told us he just needed help in DADA and you were tutoring him, not that you were friends," Harlow added.

My words faltered as I explained, "Well I mean you know him. The guy doesn't shut up, of course we talk in class. But I wouldn't say we're close."

"I've always thought he was super hot like what I'd give to sit next to that man," Fabienne said.

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