[11] change of plans

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Marlee's POV

For the rest of the day, I tried to distract myself with homework but my thoughts would always wonder back to what I saw in the Great Hall. Had I missed something last night? Or even the past few days, had this been going on and I didn't notice? If so, why didn't he tell me?

My thoughts were interrupted when Harlow came through the door. She plopped onto her bed as we all smirked at her.

Into her pillow she sighed, "Tristan is amazing!"

We all jumped up and squealed, dying to know the details. She was the first one out of all of us to lose their virginity so this was a very exciting and rather new topic for us.

I asked Fabienne about her night and she said it was going well until Oliver said he was too upset about Quidditch to do anything. Typical Wood. I teased Aries about Lee and everyone's eyes widened.

"You and Lee?!" exclaimed Harlow.

Aries turned red like her hair. "It's nothing, we're just getting to know each other!"

"For now," I muttered which led Harlow and Fab to giggle.

"And what about you and George, Mar?" Aries caught me off guard. On a normal day I would've been expecting that but now I didn't know what to say.

"I think...I think he's dating Serena," Their jaws dropped and I slowly nodded, "yeah...they were snogging today at breakfast."

"Holy shit," Harlow mumbled.

"I know, he hasn't said anything about it so I'm not entirely sure, maybe I'll ask him when I see him," I felt all of their eyes on me, "I mean I'm happy for him truly, but it's Serena." They all nodded in agreement trying to encourage how he might see her true colors soon. Whether she would or not, George was already on his way to getting hurt and I didn't want that for him.

I still had a couple of things on my mind that I wanted to clear out so I decided to take a walk by the Black Lake. The temperatures at Hogwarts were dropping so I wore my winter jacket along with a hat and mittens. It wasn't long until I saw Angelina and Ginny.

"Marlee!" Ginny shouted and ran over to greet me. I ran to meet her halfway but ended up tripping on a branch and falling inelegantly. "Are you okay?!" she exclaimed, stifling a laugh.

I sat up to see a tear in my jeans and a large cut under it. Ginny groaned at the sight and Angelina bent down to examine it.

"Got too excited to see me did you?" Ginny teased. Humorous in the worst times, just like her brothers. Angelina and I laughed, used to the Weasley humor.

"I don't have my wand," Angelina said. I realized that I was so deep in my thoughts that I'd forgotten my wand as well. Ginny said she didn't have hers either (what a coincidence) so Angelina offered to fix me up in the Gryffindor common room.

Once we got up there, Angelina gave me the Wound-Healing Potion and used the Reparo spell to mend my jeans. She had quite the talent in healing, which was probably why Fred wasn't hurting from his detentions as much.

After I was all fixed up, the three of us began to chat for a while and I soon forgot why I'd gone out in the first place.

"You should come! We'll be meeting at Hog's Head tomorrow. Cho will be there I'm sure," Angelina informed me of how Harry would be teaching the informal replacement for our lack of Defense Against the Dark Arts education. I was quite intrigued by it all. I admired Harry's strength for all that he'd been through. No wonder my sister fancied him.

"But don't tell anyone. The less bitches, the less snitches," remarked Ginny. Angelina laughed but then lightly hit her on the shoulder to scold her for her foul language. I was a bit disappointed that I couldn't tell my roommates but I understood the circumstances.

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