[34] truths and dares

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Marlee's POV

I nervously awaited my friend's arrival as I sat on my bed, switching positions every so often. Right before, George gave me a pep talk and told me that everything was going to be fine but part of me still had its doubts. The last train came before dinner time so they had to be on their way soon.

I heard laughter outside of the door and when it opened, I saw my three beautiful friends. Fabienne had gotten a haircut up to her shoulders but other than that, they were my same friends that had been at my side for the past six years.

Their laughter died down when they saw me and I immediately stood up to begin my apology. They slowly trickled in, placing their luggages on their beds as I spoke.

"Before you say anything, I want to truly apologize for how I've been behaving this year. It wasn't right for me to lie and I haven't been fair to you guys. I shouldn't have been so secretive about things and I should have invited you guys to come along. I guess I just figured that I wouldn't want to risk word of D.A. slipping."

"But that's no excuse. I want you guys to know that you come first, always. You're way more important to me than they are and I love you guys so much. I'm not saying you have to forgive me now because I know it will take awhile for me to prove myself but I just don't want things to be awkward until then...I really am sorry."

Through my long speech, none of them had said a word or showed any expression. There was a long pause before Harlow finally said something.

"You're right, it will take some time but we forgive you and appreciate your apology. Now let's go to dinner and have fun with the boys," she clapped her hands together and the other two jumped up to leave the room, not even acknowledging anything I had just said.

Even though she had just said that they forgave me, they definitely weren't acting like it. I walked behind them on the way to dinner and even the boys were being a bit distant from me as well. I needed to do something grand to prove to them.

The boys were joking around and trying to charm a carrot to fall into Umbridge's food but I was zoned out, thinking about what I could do.

Suddenly, the group I was sitting with all clapped their hands over their mouths, lowering their heads. I turned to see mashed potato splattered all over Umbridge's pink uniform.

Umbridge stood up slowly and wiped the potato off of her face. She held her wand to her neck, making her voice boom through the Great Hall.

"Whoever threw this carrot must show themselves at once! I will not tolerate naughty children at my school. Have you all forgotten how to behave properly? Have your Muggle parents brainwashed you?" she yelled, shakily.

The whole room had gone silent including the other professors. I looked at my friends who had thrown the carrot. They all kept their heads down, looking guilty. None of them had gotten detention with Umbridge this year and I would never wish that pain upon them so I slowly stood up from my seat.

"It was me," I announced and every head in the Great Hall turned to look at me.

"Marlee, what are you doing? Sit down!" Ceaser whispered.

Umbridge tilted her head and smiled. "I should have expected nothing more from you...my office now," she demanded.

"No, it was us, Professor." Aries stood up across from me. I gave her a confused look to which we flashed me a reassuring smile.

I began, "No. It was only me—"

"I don't know what you two think you're up to, I demand to know the truth right now! Snape! Get me more Veritaserum!" she screamed.

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