[22] mistletoeless

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Marlee's POV

Max turned to Emme and said, "You said he was the most gorgeous human on the planet. He's a ginger."

I sniggered under my breath and turned to see George laughing as well. He usually was able to take a joke so I wasn't surprised. Emme hit Max on the arm and called over the other girls who were talking with two boys.

"Where's Hermione and Ginny?" Clarissa asked.

George and I peered over the now large crowd to look for our friends. Hermione, Ginny, Harry and Ron were making their way towards us and George cupped his mouth to call them over along with Fred and Angelina who followed behind. Soon there were about 15 of us crowding on the rink together.

"Wow, I didn't know there were so many of you. Do you all go to the boarding school in Scotland?" questioned Clarissa.

"Yes's" were muttered amongst the group of Hogwarts students.

"You didn't say you had a twin George," Emme noticed Fred and smirked. You could probably see some panic flash on all of our faces and Angelina hooked her arm around Fred's as if them holding hands wasn't obvious enough.

"I don't normally introduce myself to people by saying I have an identical twin," George joked passive aggressively and there was an awkward moment of tension.

"We were just about to go on the ferris wheel, do you guys want to come along?" Isabelle broke the silence.

We all muttered something in agreement and skated off the rink to return our skates. As we were walking to the ferris wheel, I felt a hand slip around my waist and a voice whispered in my ear, "Please sit with me, I do not want to sit with one of those girls." There was a bit of panic in George's voice so I nodded my head in agreement.

Next to us Ginny muttered to herself as she read, "'Four to a capsule', damnit." Then, she walked off to talk to Hermione.

George and I looked at each other wide eyed for a moment as I did not want to sit with the girls as well. We hurried over to Fred and Angelina and asked them to sit with us.

Good thing because then Emme called George's name, "Sit with us, will you?"

"Sorry I already agreed to sit with them," George replied.

Colette said something in French and George and Fred responded back in French. Angelina looked at me, eyes bulging out of her skull. I mouthed, "I know."

Soon Fred was whispering frantically, "Get on the ferris wheel, get on the bloody ferris wheel." The four of us quickly hopped into a gondola, Fred and Ang on one side, George and I on the other.

"Thank Merlin," George sighed and peered over to see the girls getting into the one after us.

Angelina muttered, "I do not like them."

"I didn't even like them when we met them," I huffed and slouched down in my seat.

"Then what are we doing here?!" Fred exclaimed.

I crossed my arms and raised an eyebrow, "Well you're having fun, aren't you?"

Fred stretched his arm behind Angelina and poked his tongue on the inside of his cheek. "Yeah, yeah," he mumbled. His face suddenly lit up and he leaned in, "Hey, can you guys cover for me and Ang tonight?"

George and I immediately started groaning in disgust. "Then where do you suppose I sleep, mate?" George crossed his arms.

"With Marlee," Fred simply replied. Neither George nor I responded and a grin grew on Fred's lips, "You guys don't seem to mind that idea."

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