[36] friends helping friends

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Marlee's POV

"Now, there's only one thing that can break any spell or potion instantly," Snape was lecturing in Potions, "can anyone tell me what that is?"

I fidgeted with my skirt and avoided eye contact so he wouldn't call on me. I didn't even know the answer anyways.

"Weasley? I don't care which one," Snape called on them.

Fred gave George a pleading look and George rolled his eyes then sighed, "Fine. I think it's true love's kiss, Professor."

"Good, Fred." Snape applauded, unenthusiastically.

I saw George's face drop slightly and I wanted to comfort him somehow. I knew that he hated being called Fred even though most of the time it was just an accident but we both knew that Snape was being ignorant.

"It's George, Professor," I suddenly decided to say. "Not Fred."

Snape only gave me a stern look and rolled his eyes. He walked back to the front of the room and began going on and on about something else. It was lucky for me that I was in Slytherin otherwise I would have earned myself a detention for that smartass comment.

I shyly looked to George and he mouthed a "thank you" while I gave him a reassuring smile.

I wondered how he knew that answer but then again I hadn't been paying attention in class at all recently. It was getting to the point of the year where I was completely bored and unmotivated for school. I was ready for the year to be over. I only had one more month left before my last year and then I was out of here.

When I had Career Counseling last year, I wasn't really sure what I wanted to do. Healing School seemed like something I could do but it wasn't my deepest desire. It really sucked having to choose my entire future at such a young age but that was just the way it was.

"Brave of you to stand up to Snape like that," Janessa whispered in my ear. "I would never test that man."

I couldn't help but feel a sort of anger towards her even though she had done nothing. She was completely irrelevant in my life before this and now she was almost everything I thought about.

"I usually can get away with stuff on his watch," I whispered back. "You probably could too if you tried."

She giggled quietly and I couldn't help but feel jealous. She was so stunning, her smile and bronze skin was glowing in the dark Potions classroom. I could totally see what George saw but I tried not to get down on myself for things I couldn't control.

"Yeah right," Miles scoffed, overhearing our conversation. "I've tried multiple times and I never get away with shit."

"Maybe because you skip class half the time and you never do your work," I jabbed while Janessa stifled a laugh. Miles only rolled his eyes and bit his bottom lip because he knew I was right.

I made eye contact with George and he still looked upset from earlier so I gave him a teasing smirk and pointed my eyes towards Janessa. He shot me a glare and crossed his arms but I simply looked away, innocently.

I'd known Janessa since first year but never really got close to her because she was, I guess you could say more "cool" than me. She was someone who you'd expect to get along with people like George and Fred. She was laid back and chill and usually one to start the party.

I was almost the complete opposite. I liked staying unknown, doing my own thing without other people in my business. As you know, I wasn't the most fun partygoer but I could get down if I wanted to. But only if I wanted to. I wasn't about to change who I was just because a certain red headed boy didn't like me, I was better than that. I had more self respect than that...but what's the harm in trying it out? Ginny said he'd like fishnets and eyeliner, that couldn't hurt.

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