[24] the new year

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[ cw: references to date rape/drugging ]

Marlee's POV

After days of board games, watching TV, sliding around on the ice and a visit to Diagon Alley, it was finally time to go back to Hogwarts.

There had been no more kisses or cuddles between George and I, but I was very content with the way things were going. I felt myself missing him when he wasn't around and I would smile at just the thought of him. But I decided that it'd be best if he figured out things with Serena first before I advanced anything between us. I didn't know how he felt about me, but he was the one who kissed me, right? That had to mean something. I just hoped he would break things off with Serena once we got back.

We came a day before classes started again because there was a late New Years party some seventh years planned. Aries was already in our dorm when we arrived. I gave her a huge hug and noticed something different about her.

"Is-is that green hair?" I lifted up her hair to reveal the bottom half which she dyed green.

She turned red and replied, "Oh...yeah."

"Dude you look hot, I've always wanted to dye my hair!" I exclaimed.

"I have some leftover potion you can try! My sister got it for me." She walked to her luggage and pulled out a small bottle of silver liquid. "Just a sip will do," she instructed.

Without hesitation I took a small sip and saw the bottom under half of my hair turn a bright green. I looked in the mirror and lifted the top half of my hair to get a better look. Even though I didn't even think it through, I loved it instantly and had no regrets.

"Wicked," I mumbled and Aries nodded in approval. It matched my new sweater from Molly which Aries then noticed I was wearing.

"Wait a minute. I thought you stayed here for the holiday? And why are you wearing a Weasley sweater?" Her brows knitted together in confusion.

I turned crimson, remembering that I hadn't exactly told them where I was going for Christmas. I nervously walked to my bags and started unpacking but she followed.

"I...erm...I spent it with the Weasleys actually," I muttered.

Her eyes widened and her mouth opened slightly. "Blimey Marlee. Why didn't you say anything? Nevermind, how was it? Did you spend time with George—" she gasped, "did you shag him?!"

I scoffed and rolled my eyes, "No I didn't. But actually I could have—Serena sent him a letter so they were on a break for the majority of the holiday."

A smirk grew on her face, "So you do like him, don't you?" She poked my side as I blushed.

"I don't know, he still has to figure things out with Serena but I guess I should tell you that we...erm...kissed?"

Aries hopped onto my bed, jumping up and down and screaming. I hit her leg with the shirt I was folding as I scolded, "Oi! Calm down it's not a big deal. Besides we haven't even talked about it or acknowledged it yet."

She sat down, "Of course it's a big deal. We've only been waiting since that day at Kings Cross Station!"

I shook my head and denied, "I don't think he feels the same."

Now it was her turn to hit me. "Do you see the way that man—boy—looks at you? He literally can't take his eyes off of you for a second and is always looking at you in the Great Hall."

"No he is not!" I was fighting back all the muscles in my face to smile.

She stood up on the bed again and pointed her finger towards the door. "You better go tell him how you feel right now. We have waited too damn long for this—I can't wait to tell Harlow and Fab when they get back tomorrow." She started pushing me out of the room.

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