[31] after

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[ cw: references to sexually explicit content ]

Marlee's POV

I had now drank twice as much as usual and was stumbling about the common room. I went to get another drink when suddenly I ran into a familiar set of arms.

"Georgie!!" I yelled and wrapped my arms around his neck. He quickly caught me by my waist, stumbling a bit himself.

I ran a hand down his now exposed chest, playing with his chain for just a second. "I loved that little performance you did earlier, you have a truly wonderful voice."

George blinked slowly as if he was still processing what I said. Suddenly his drink started to slip and fell all over my chest, making my shirt drenched.

"Oh fuck—I'm sorry Mar," he apologized and quickly fumbled to pick up the cup and clean the mess.

"It's okay," I cooed, then slowly started to tip my cup until it spilled down his chest before he could react. "Oops," I said, innocently. A smirk grew on George's lips and he grabbed my hand.

"Let's get cleaned up," he uttered and led me up the stairs to his dormitory, "that is, if none of my boys have already occu-occupied the room."

I started giggling, "Why would they be occupying the room? Is Oliver practicing Quidditch again?" I couldn't stop giggling at the thought of it.

George started to laugh as well, "He's working out that's for sure." We both started cackling as we walked into his room.

I immediately jumped onto George's bed while he made his way to his closet. He picked out two random shirts and threw one at me, hitting my face which caused me to squeal.

I dramatically grabbed the shirt, glaring at him and hissed, "You're such a git. A handsome one but still a git." I had no idea why I was saying any of this—I literally just ran my hand down his fucking abs. I guess the alcohol was letting it all loose.

"I'm guessing you're in a better mood now?" George teased as he took off his shirt and smirked at me.

"No," I shut my eyes dramatically, "you're still a dickhead for using me."

"Using you? If I remember correctly you're the one who kissed me, invited me to sleep with you then said we were just m-messing around," George's words slurred together.

The sound of a balloon popping from the common room, took us both by surprise and we sobered up the tiniest bit. I could still hear the muffled music coming from downstairs.

"That's not-that's not what I mean. I mean you pretending to be my friend all year when in reality you never actually liked me," I yelled. "Yeah I heard you that night, saying those things about how I was the worst person in the world and how you'd never ever date me or—"

"Marlee," George shook his head while he furrowed his brows, "you heard that?" I nodded with a simple mhm. "Marlee, I had just eaten a Lying Licorice when I said those things—is that why you've been so weird lately?"

If the balloon popping didn't sober me up, this definitely did just enough. How could I have been so stupid to just assume things and not talk it out with him? This all made so much more sense now.

"Well then why the fuck have you been acting weird then?" I asked aggressively. "And what about that night when I busted you guys with Dumbridge. You said the last thing you wanted to do was talk to me."

"Because y-you were being so confusing and weird—I didn't know what to do," he stammered. "If you had just talked to me then we wouldn't have had this issue!"

misdirection ⤷ g. weasleyWhere stories live. Discover now