[01] luck

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Marlee's POV

"Get a move on!" Harlow shouted down the crowded corridor of the train. Aries stifled a laugh but quickly covered her mouth with her hand as Fabienne smirked at Harlow's comment.

"At this rate we'll have to sit with Draco Malfoy," Fabienne scoffed, crossing her arms.

Even though we were in Slytherin, Draco probably wouldn't know that if you asked him. He was too selfish to care about anyone but himself. Plus, we had learned how to keep quiet over the past few years and not draw any attention to ourselves, so I doubt he knew us anyway. Being in Slytherin already gave us a bad reputation and we just wanted to be able to live our lives without having to deal with any trouble. It had been us four from day one and we didn't need anyone else.

"Then again, he's probably got some high class shit from his father," I mocked and we all chuckled.

I stood on my tip toes to see what the hold up was but was unsuccessful in doing so as the many heads of students stood in the way. I let out an exasperated sigh as I slumped back down to my heels. Soon, the flow of people circulated and the aisle was no longer clogged up.

Aries, Harlow, Fabienne and I went on to look for an empty compartment to sit in when we heard a loud commotion. Fireballs flew over our heads, followed by shouting boys. I felt a body push against me and I hit the wall of the small corridor, causing my book bag to spill on the floor.

"Sorry love," a low voice said as I bent down to pick up my personals. I tried my best to not roll my eyes at them calling me "love".

"It's okay," I replied through a forced smile.

The low voice bent down to help me and I caught a glimpse of the fiery mop that sat on top of their head. Our eyes met as he handed me my things. His hazel eyes were slanted in a handsome way and he smiled at me, a crooked smile.

"Thanks..." I hesitated to take my books from his hands but after I did so, he ran off to catch up to the other boys whilst hollering at them.

George Weasley was his name, I think. He was a Gryffindor in my year but I'd never really talked to him before. He and his twin brother were Beaters for the Gryffindor Quidditch team. They were always pulling pranks and getting in trouble, how annoying.

"Marlee," Aries said as she tapped my shoulder, urging me to go forward.

"Oh right...sorry," I faltered and trotted on. How long had I been standing there for?

I fell asleep on the ride to Hogwarts as my friends talked about their Holidays. We arrived at the school and went through the exact same routine we'd done every year for the past five years. Move into your dormitories, first years get sorted, Dumbledore makes some announcement—which this year's was introducing the new Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher, Dolores Umbridge—feast and then start classes the next day.

Lucky me, my first class was DADA. After her whole speech about tradition and what not last night, I wasn't so sure she'd be better than the last four DADA teachers we've had.

There was immediately another red flag as we walked into class, we had a seating chart. I spotted my name right next to 'George Weasley'.

Just my luck.

My head shot up to see the redhead goofing off with Lee Jordan who sat in front of him. I dragged my feet to my spot, trying to stay unnoticed but right as I sat down, I heard the same low voice from yesterday.

"We meet again," he greeted, his crooked smile flashing at me once more.

I tried my best to give him a genuine one back as I responded, "Hi."

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